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Valentines Workshop: A Love Affair to Last a Lifetime

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

The three foundations of relationship are friendship, abilities to resolve conflicts back to love, and a love affair. In many ways it’s obvious how to be friends and resolve conflicts, but what are the dimensions of a good love affair? We tend to be attracted to someone who resonates with our wounds and dreams. Wounds and dreams can be explored ...

Seeing Me, Seeing You: Awareness Through Relating

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Part of growing up is learning how to balance transparent and authentic communication with empathy and understanding our impact on others. It’s also learning how to call back our projections and see the other for who they truly are, and are becoming. Join Lisa for a powerful monthly session where we will dive into how to use your relationships as ...

Releasing Shame

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

“At some point in our lives, most of us absorbed this false belief that causes the feeling of shame. As a result of not feeling seen, loved, valued and understood, we developed the belief that we were not being loved because there was something wrong with us.” - Margaret Paul Shame is the feeling that there is something inherently wrong ...

Aliens and Artists — A Conversation with Stuart Davis

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Stuart Davis is a long-time friend to the Integral Project, having hosted a number of dialogues and shared his prolific art, music, and comedy with us over the years. These days Stuart is hosting his own podcast, titled "Aliens and Artists", which explores the connections between non-ordinary experiences and creativity. Which makes a certain amount of sense, since Stuart is ...

A New Normal?

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

We keep hearing about “a new normal.” But what exactly do we mean by that? What are we hoping for and what are we hoping against? In this session we’ll unpack our conscious and unconscious desires for the future and find ways to move into deeper relationship with what is. About the Antifragile Series Resilience is the ability to handle ...

No Hindrance: Seeing Through Obstacles To Transformation

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes” - W. Whitman Transformation of our hearts and minds through the various lines of development has never been more vital. The very possibility for future humans to experience Truth, Beauty and Goodness is up in the air! And yet, most of us have significant ...

The Ken Show

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

In Zen Buddhism, the word kensho describes a sudden glimpse or insight into the nature of reality. The Ken Show intends to offer you a very similar opportunity. The Ken Show is a monthly series with Ken Wilber, broadcast live on the second Saturday of every month, exclusively on Integral Life. Click here to find previous episodes.

The Power of Yes & No (Ethical Power Series)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

How can we access and wield the power we have ethically? What does it mean to use power from a 2nd tier sensibility? How do we know if we are out of integrity with our use of power? According to Roger Walsh, action is ethical to the extent it aims to enhance the welfare and wellbeing of everyone including oneself. ...

The Essence of Integral Flourishing — FREE WEBINAR

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

To flourish is to thrive in every context of your life. And to do so, you need an integral mind, one that sees the big picture and the details of how flourishing is intimately tied to factors like emotional positivity, shadow, flow states, vitality, interpersonal connection, joy, purposeful contribution, and goal achievement. 48-hour discount on The Essence of Integral Flourishing ...

Integral Justice Warrior

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Featuring Corey deVos and new co-host Mark Fischler, every month we take a close look at some of the most challenging social and cultural fault lines of our time — as well as the developmental skills we need in order to heal these shared wounds and begin to close the gaps between us. Click here to watch previous broadcasts.

Finding Your Power, Love, and Light: Morning Flow with Kundalini Yoga

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Grant for a hybrid kata that combines movement and stillness to open the heart-mind for increased vitality and compassion. The arc of the practice starts with getting in touch with our deepest inspiration for practice, performing light calisthenics, energization exercises, moving through all 3 bodies (gross, subtle and causal). Once we’re warmed up, we engage a seated practice with ...

“No, I am your Father” – The Light and Dark side of Fatherhood

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

The research has made increasingly clear the importance of fathers -- or the masculine role -- in children’s life. But walking the talk of being a good father can look easier than it actually is. Celebrating fathers is a nice gesture by society (and mothers too for that matter). Many however find the terrain to be trickier than the map ...

The Power of Keeping Your Word (Ethical Power Series)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

When it comes down to it, our greatest power lies in our ability to choose. When we choose by default by refusing to make a choice or choose the easiest route rather than the most intentional one, we not only give up our power but may be unintentionally acting unethically as well. How can you exercise your power to choose ...

Unity Within: From Emotional Misery To Emotional Mastery

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Feelings are the communication of life. They make us feel alive. When feelings can communicate their messages, we can act accordingly, but we lose their wisdom when they are blocked and suppressed. In the interactive Unity Within practice, we let feelings speak in the first person to distill their data to us using the Big Mind Method. In each session ...

Reality-Based Leadership

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

“We are leading in uncertain times:” it’s become a meme. And it has become our reality. A reality that, as leaders, is our responsibility to help our associates navigate. How do we do that? How, in the time of COVID and intense political unrest, do we keep our workplace culture from devolving into a morass of drama and victimhood? Join ...

Event Series Reality-Based Leadership

Reality-Based Leadership

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

“We are leading in uncertain times:” it’s become a meme. And it has become our reality. A reality that, as leaders, is our responsibility to help our associates navigate. How do we do that? How, in the time of COVID and intense political unrest, do we keep our workplace culture from devolving into a morass of drama and victimhood? Join ...

Me, Needy? No Way! (Enneagram 3 Practice Group)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

This session has been cancelled. Stay tuned for rescheduling! If you are an Enneagram 3, you likely see yourself as incredibly self-sufficient. In fact the idea of being “needy” may feel abhorrent. Let’s explore how this pattern keeps us stuck in overdrive, overwhelm and overcommitment. Join Lisa for a monthly facilitated practice group designed specifically for Enneagram 3’s, where we ...

Claim Your Calling

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

The Ladder doesn’t go anywhere. The race isn’t real. The things we have are not as important as the grooves we carve. Deep down, we know this. Yet, we do nothing. We’re called to something more in our life, yet we’re anchored to the life we have. Most of us would prefer to have a calling, but we’re unwilling to ...

The Three Centers of the Enneagram: Mental, Emotional, and Physical

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

A revolution in the understanding of the 3 centers: A slow, fine-tuned way of being with self and others. We are deeply conditioned by the environment in which we live which is filtered through the 3 centers of our human organism: Mental, Emotional and Feeling/Physical. Given our Enneagram patterns of attention, emotion and behavior, we overuse one of these centers, ...

Integral Life Members’ In-Person Potluck Picnic

Salberg Center and Park 3045 19th St, Boulder, United States

Members of the Boulder/Denver area (or anyone who’d like to travel to Boulder), let’s get together in-person, safely, outdoors! The Salberg Center and Park on 19th street is typically a very quiet and uncrowded spot. This event is free and is simply to get to know each other. If you are inspired to share, please bring along some food and/or ...

Community Healing Circle (Enneagram 5 Practice Group)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Please join fellow Enneagram enthusiasts, spiritual practitioners, and engaged citizens for a community healing circle. You are invited into a space of reflection and witnessing of our personal and collective hopes, hurts, and growing edges as we tend to the important work of hospicing old systems and building new systems that affirm and regenerate life. Meet Your Practice Leader Jordan ...

“FISBE” and The Power of the Empowerment Dynamic

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Special Guest, Donna Zajonc, joins Nomali Perera In the spring and summer of 2021, Nomali Perera led various Integral Life Practice sessions introducing the concepts of the “Dreaded Drama Triangle” and its antidote, “The Empowerment Dynamic,” founded by David Emerald. In this session, we are excited to be joined by Donna Zajonc, a Master Certified Coach and Director of Learning ...

Inhabiting our Instinctive Centre (Enneagram 8 Practice Group)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

There are several triads imbedded in the Enneagram. The triads are important for transformational work as they specify where our chief imbalance lies. The triads represent three main clusters of issues & defenses of the ego-self, and they reveal the principal ways in which we contact our awareness & limit ourselves. In this session we will explore the most basic ...

Let In Your Light

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

In the same way we disown aspects of ourselves that we deem bad or inappropriate, and project those aspects onto others, we also disown and project qualities that we admire. We allow ourselves to see those qualities in others but amputate our own ability to access them ourselves. We often refer to this as our “light shadow,” but the effect ...