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Integral Creativity: Developing Our Multidimensional Artistry

February 26 at 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST

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This Integral Life Experience is only available to the supporting members

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From the Big Bang to life to mind to advanced civilizations, we live in a fundamentally creative cosmos, and every one of us is a creative being. Our consciousness arises within an infinitude of conditions, and yet we all possess a sense of agency that allows us to shape the ways we show up and express ourselves in the world. To be an artist means to engage in the process of creating some sort of intended effect—whether as an artifact (such as a poem, sculpture, or song) or a new pattern of conditions. We can cultivate the artistry of our agency through multiple facets of our being, and in this workshop series we will explore this very practice together.

This workshop series is intended for anyone who is simultaneously an integral practitioner and (at least potentially) an artist in the broadest possible sense. Whether or not you identify as a painter, musician, or a poet (as I do), if you are willing to tap into the innate birthright of your creative spark, then you are likely to get something valuable out of this series. Specifically, we are going to more fully awaken, extend, elaborate, deepen, and refine our creatives practices, whatever they are.

Notice that the title of this workshop series references “our” artistry, rather than “yours”—that is because a big part of our focus will be on cultivating a cooperative “we-space” (or, more integrally speaking, an “I-, We-, It-, and Its-space”) through which creativity can freely flow through us collectively as an emergent response to reality as a whole. To make art is, at least in part, to dissolve the perceived separate-self sense, becoming one with our process, our content, our form, our community, and our audience—yet individuating at the same time; always exceeding (transcending and including) our models, our artifacts, and ourselves.

Come prepared to work! Come prepared to meditate, play, and open up. Come prepared to listen and given thoughtful feedback on what others will share. We will begin each session with a little talk based on my 30+ years of laboring over poetry and 10+ years of developing a creative community for writers and artists called Cosmos Cooperative. Then we will get collaborative, encouraging each of us (myself included!) to unfold our edges, unlock our potentials, integrate our shadows, and become better versions of ourselves—accountable to each other, as well as to our clearest intuitions of the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.

Please note that the first session will be free and open to non-members of Integral Life. After that, the sessions are only for Integral Life Members.

Meeting Schedule
Wednesday, January 15, 4-6 pm (MST)
Wednesday, January 29, 4-6 pm (MST)
Wednesday, February 12, 4-6 pm (MST)
Wednesday, February 26, 4-6 pm (MST)
Wednesday, March 12, 4-6 pm (MST)


Marco V Morelli is a poet, writer, editor, and publisher; the founder of Cosmos Cooperative, Metapsychosis journal, Untimely Books, and the Infinite Conversations forum; and the author of I AM THE SINGULARITY, a book of poetry due to be published in late 2025. From 2003 to 2007, Marco worked with philosopher Ken Wilber as a member of Integral Institute, where he co-authored the book Integral Life Practice: A 21st-Century Blueprint for Physical Health, Emotional Balance, Mental Clarity, and Spiritual Awakening (Shambhala Publications, 2008). Since 2013, Marco has been dedicated to building the Cosmos Co-op community and bringing the vision of Cosmos into being.


February 26
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Practice Session Category:

Practice Leader

Marco V Morelli