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  1. Practice Sessions
  2. Practice Leaders
  3. Dr. Connie Zweig

Meeting The Shadow In Relationships, Aging & Spirituality

Dr. Connie Zweig, known as the Shadow Expert, will lead a transformative 3-part series that applies shadow-work to key arenas of life: relationships, aging, and religion/spirituality. Working with the shadow as a regular practice is an essential part of living an integral life, fostering deeper self-awareness, emotional resilience, and spiritual maturity. Bring your curiosity, an open heart, and an open mind to this enriching series designed to illuminate your path toward wholeness and integration.

Meeting The Shadow In Relationships, Aging & Spirituality

Dr. Connie Zweig, known as the Shadow Expert, will lead a transformative 3-part series that applies shadow-work to key arenas of life: relationships, aging, and religion/spirituality. Working with the shadow as a regular practice is an essential part of living an integral life, fostering deeper self-awareness, emotional resilience, and spiritual maturity. Bring your curiosity, an open heart, and an open mind to this enriching series designed to illuminate your path toward wholeness and integration.

Meeting The Shadow In Relationships, Aging & Spirituality

Dr. Connie Zweig, known as the Shadow Expert, will lead a transformative 3-part series that applies shadow-work to key arenas of life: relationships, aging, and religion/spirituality. Working with the shadow as a regular practice is an essential part of living an integral life, fostering deeper self-awareness, emotional resilience, and spiritual maturity. Bring your curiosity, an open heart, and an open mind to this enriching series designed to illuminate your path toward wholeness and integration.