Finding Radical Wholeness: Online Retreat with Ken Wilber


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In Finding Radical Wholeness, Ken emphasizes the importance of Waking Up, Growing Up, Cleaning up, and Showing up. This introductory weekend draws from centuries of in-depth teachings of the Tibetan meditation tradition to focus on the dimension of “waking up” an integral context.

The first day of practice will focus on stabilizing the mind in traditional tranquility meditation. All practice on day one will be based on the stages of concentration using Asanga’s “Elephant Path”. The Elephant Path originated in 506AD and is one of the oldest and most comprehensive systems of concentration in the Buddhist tradition.

The second day of practice will focus on insight meditation, which gives emphasis to waking up to the deeper nature of one’s own mind. Students will receive an introduction to the basic stages of ordinary insight based in the Mahamudra tradition.

By the end of our time together, you will have all the instructions necessary to deepen your meditation practice in everyday life.

Training the mind in this way can lead to a direct experience of equanimity and can put the student in a range of practice wherein pointing out the real nature of the awakened mind is possible.