Alan Watkins

Alan Watkins

Dr Alan Watkins is an honorary senior lecturer in neuroscience and psychological medicine at Imperial College, London and an affiliate professor of leadership at the European School of Management, London. He originally qualified as a physician, has a first class degree in psychology and a PhD in immunology.

He also runs Complete Coherence Ltd, a consultancy that brings the latest approaches from neuroscience, physiology and systems theory to the human performance challenges faced by business leaders and sportspeople around the world.

Alan wrote Coherence – The Secret Science of Brilliant Leadership because of his strong desire to share more widely the benefits of this approach.

“I get out of bed every day to reduce the suffering that comes from the poor decision making of leaders across the globe. In my view, there is an urgent need to develop more enlightened leadership in organisations. I am very optimistic about the potential of human beings and what is possible. This book is a guide to realising that potential.”

Alan’s work has focused on coaching CEOs and boards. When working with individual leaders, he often tracks a person’s physiology for 24 hours, covering a normal working day. Insights from this monitoring guide transformational leadership and personal development.

In addition to working extensively with executive teams in organisations, Alan has also worked with the GB Rowing squad prior to the London Olympics and continues to provide guidance to the coaches and crews in preparation for Rio 2016.

Posts by Alan Watkins


The End of Politics: How Crowdocracy Can Transform Our Government (And Save Us From Ourselves)


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Is democracy too broken to handle the world’s most wicked problems? If so, what’s the alternative? Listen as Alan Watkins shares his own vision of the future of politics and governance — a vision that is as practical as it is inspiring, and one that might be exactly what we need to help us carry our 250-year old democratic experiment into the 21st century.