The Myth of Evil: Why Polarities, Not Villains, Drive Injustice

Barry Johnson introduces the concept of polarity thinking, offering a revolutionary framework for addressing complex societal issues like poverty, racism, and climate change. Rather than viewing problems as having singular solutions or evil sources, Barry explains how mismanaged polarities—such as justice vs. mercy and freedom vs. equality—are at the heart of many dysfunctions. By adopting a both/and mindset, we can break vicious cycles, foster balance, and create more sustainable solutions in our personal and collective lives.


Sexual Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Integral Sex Therapy


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Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the transformative world of integrally informed sex therapy—a holistic approach that combines romantic, scientific, and spiritual perspectives to address the unique complexities of modern relationships. This episode offers profound insights into creating and sustaining a fulfilling, dynamic love affair that extends beyond physical intimacy, tailored to the unique needs of every relationship.


The Integration of Defenses


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How can we become more aware of our defensive reactions as they arise? Dr. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the intricate world of psychological defenses, presenting them as a critical line of intelligence and development. Dr. Witt introduces his pioneering concept of an “integration of defenses” as a developmental line, illustrating how our defensive mechanisms evolve and manifest across various stages of growth.


Knowledge by Description & Acquaintance

This polarity encompasses the interplay between conceptual understanding and direct experience in our quest for knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge by description provides us with structured frameworks, theories, and models that help us organize and interpret the world around us. In contrast, knowledge by acquaintance offers the richness of firsthand experience, intuitive insights, and embodied understanding. Both modes of knowing are essential for a comprehensive grasp of reality.


How America Got Here: A 50 Year Journey to Polarization



Robb Smith and Josh Leonard look at the deep structures — in the form of actual events, policies and decisions between 1970 and 2024 — that radically shifted America from one form of system “regime” and associated equilibrium, that of relative national coherence in the early 1970s, into a new, radically- and qualitatively-different regime and equilibrium of extreme polarized decoherence of 2024.

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