Who is Ken Wilber?

“The twenty-first century literally has three choices: Aristotle, Nietzsche, or Ken Wilber.”
– Jack Crittenden Ph.D., Author of Beyond Individualism


About Ken

Ken Wilber, a visionary thinker of inspired genius, is the developer of an integral “theory of everything” that embraces the truths of all the world’s great spiritual, scientific, and philosophical traditions. He is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages. Ken Wilber currently lives in Denver, Colorado, and is still active as a philosopher, author, and teacher, with all of his major publications still in print.

Often referred to as the"Einstein of consciousness studies", Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development.

Ken Wilber is also the founder of the Integral Institute, which is the first organization fully dedicated to advancement and application of the Integral Approach in relation to contemporary global issues. It was formed in collaboration with over 200 scholars and experts, specializing in education, politics, business, medicine, psychology, spirituality, as well as, law and criminal justice.

In 2007 Wilber co-founded Integral Life, a social media-hub dedicated to sharing the integral vision with the world wide community, as well as documenting and catalyzing the progress of the integral movement.

Unique Footage: Watch Ken Wilber's Reading Of Grace and Grit

In this unforgettable 2.5-hour video, Ken Wilber reads select passages from his book Grace and Grit: Spirituality and Healing in the Life and Death of Treya Killam Wilber. This was the very first time that he has talked in-depth about her death in public since she passed away in 1989.

We will also send you the only email series in the world introducing you to Ken's remarkable life and legacy.

Watch Ken Wilber's Biography Series

Featuring over 14 hours of stunning high-definition video, this collection is your very best chance to get to know the life and work of Ken Wilber. Experience Ken like you never have before as he shares intimate details about his childhood, his college years, and his personal and spiritual life.

Free With Integral Life Membership

Ken's Integral Theory

Ken is the originator of the world's first truly comprehensive or integrative philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory”. As Wilber himself puts it: “I'd like to think of it as one of the first believable world philosophies” — something that is becoming increasingly necessary in order to navigate and thrive in today’s world.

Incorporating cultural studies, anthropology, systems theory, developmental psychology, biology, and spirituality, Integral Theory has been applied in fields as diverse as ecology, sustainability, psychotherapy, psychiatry, education, business, medicine, politics, sports, and art.

Wilber explains the need for an Integral Approach in the following way: in our current post-modern world, we possess an abundance of methodologies and practices belonging to a multitude of fields and knowledge traditions. What is utterly lacking however, is a coherent organization, and coordination of all these various practices, as well as their respective data-sets. What is needed is an approach that moves beyond this indiscriminate eclectic-pluralism, to an “Integral Methodological Pluralism” — driving toward a genuine “theory of everything” that helps to enrich and deepen every field through an understanding of exactly how and where each one fits in relation to all the others.

In short, the Integral Approach is the coherent organization, coordination, and harmonization of all of the relevant practices, methodologies, and experiences available to human beings. Through the Integral approach, we reveal the previously unseen possibilities for a better, more compassionate, and more sustainable future for all of us.

What is the Integral Approach?

Click Here for a Free Overview

Free Email Course: Build Your Integral Life

We created 24 free lessons that can help you learn the Integrative Mindset needed to thrive in the rapidly-evolving world of the 21st century. Enter your email to start the course:

“I have one major rule: Everybody is right. More specifically, everybody — including me — has some important pieces of truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace.”

– Ken Wilber

Welcome to The Ken Show

In Zen Buddhism, the word kensho describes a sudden glimpse or insight into the nature of reality. At Integral Life, the “Ken Show” intends to offer you a very similar opportunity.

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Transforming Self, Society, and the Spaces Between Us

Transforming Self, Society, and the Spaces Between Us

In this enlightening episode of The Ken Show, hosts Ken Wilber and Corey deVos embark on a profound journey through the multifaceted realms of systems theory, communication, and social evolution. They dissect the nuanced perspectives of "inside" and "outside" views in systems, delve into the transformative power of communication paradigms throughout history, and critically examine the influence of social media on the overall emergence of integral consciousness.
Putting the “Art” in Artificial Intelligence

Putting the “Art” in Artificial Intelligence

What is art, at its most fundamental level? This is one of those perennial questions that we have been asking and re-asking at every stage of the human journey, from the first cave drawings all the way to the emergence of sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms like MidJourney that are once again blurring the lines between art, beauty, and perspective and forcing us to find new ways to answer this timeless question. Watch as Ken and Corey take a fun and fascinating look at the intersection between art, semiotics, and technology.
The Momentous Leap to Integral Consciousness

The Momentous Leap to Integral Consciousness

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos explore some of the unique challenges that come with the transition to Integral stages of development — “the momentous leap” as it is often called. Watch as Ken and Corey try to bring a little bit more light to this particular path of transformation, and maybe leave a few signposts for fellow travelers along the way.
No Boundary: Ken Wilber Goes Back to High School

No Boundary: Ken Wilber Goes Back to High School

Ken speaks with high school students to discuss his 1979 classic, No Boundary. What follows is a lively and deeply insightful exploration of integral spirituality, Ken’s personal practice, and the path of awakening that leads us to nondual realization.
In Pursuit of Wholeness: Making Room for Everything

In Pursuit of Wholeness: Making Room for Everything

This notion of holons — the idea that the universe is fundamentally made of whole/parts within whole/parts within whole/parts, turtles all the way up and turtles all the way down — this isn’t just important in a theoretical or philosophical sense. Understanding holons also helps us make better sense of the world that we live in, and our inner worlds as well. And it helps guide our own growing up, waking up, and cleaning up process.
Integral Critical Theory: The 8 Zones of Racism

Integral Critical Theory: The 8 Zones of Racism

Ken and Corey continue their discussion of the 8 critical zones of integral metatheory, and apply them to the ongoing cultural conversation taking place around race, racism, and other kinds of bigotry that we continue to see in the world. This discussion is a great opportunity to not only learn more about these 8 primordial perspectives that are available to us, but also to see how they can be applied to social and cultural challenges and “wicked problems” such as these.
From the Big Bang to the Eight Primordial Perspectives

From the Big Bang to the Eight Primordial Perspectives

Ken Wilber offers a stunning introduction to the major components of Integral theory and practice — a guided tour that takes us from the very first forms to emerge in the universe, all the way to the eight primordial perspectives that all of our knowledge is constructed from.
Integrating Power

Integrating Power

Ken and Corey take an in-depth look at the multiple kinds of power we find in all four quadrants — interior and exterior power, individual and collective power — as they are expressed up and down the spiral of development.
The Science of Subtle Energy

The Science of Subtle Energy

In this episode of The Ken Show we take a look at Ken's "Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energy”, which offers an elegant summary of how these energies might be accounted for by integral metatheory and integrated with our scientific understanding of the universe.

Ken Wilber's Books & Essays

Ken Wilber is the most widely translated academic writer in America, with 25 books translated into some 30 foreign languages. You can find a full list here.

Sex, Ecology, Spirituality (1995)

A Theory Of Everything (2000)

No Boundary (1979)

Polarization and the Algorithmic Undertow: Integral and Critical Realist Perspectives

Polarization and the Algorithmic Undertow: Integral and Critical Realist Perspectives

Bruce Alderman explores how our rapid transition into a globally networked information environment has created unprecedented challenges for human cognition, social cohesion, and collective meaning-making and sensemaking.
Revolutionary Social Transformation

Revolutionary Social Transformation

This never-before published essay by Ken Wilber delves into the intricate dynamics of societal evolution, emphasizing the interplay between technological advancements, cultural worldviews, and governance systems.
Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energy

Toward a Comprehensive Theory of Subtle Energy

Common to many traditions is the idea that, in addition to a spectrum of consciousness, there is also a spectrum of gross, to subtle, to causal forms of mass-energy. But what exactly is subtle energy? How does it work, where does it come from, and how does it fit into our scientific understanding of the physical universe? This excerpt suggests a coherent and comprehensive theory of the many approaches to subtle energies, their origin, their nature, and their development.
An Integral Age at the Leading Edge

An Integral Age at the Leading Edge

This is the excerpt that started it all — an extraordinary 200-page introduction to Ken Wilber’s updated integral map, kicking off a stunning new evolution in his meta-theoretical work (often refered to as his “post-metaphysical” or “Wilber V” phase). Excerpted from the still-unpublished followup to Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, in this free ebook you will be introduced to some of the key ideas that emerged from this new phase of integral thinking.
Who Ate Captain Cook? Integral Historiography  in a Postmodern Age

Who Ate Captain Cook? Integral Historiography in a Postmodern Age

In this fascinating sidebar to Ken Wilber's book Boomeritis: A Novel That Will Set You Free, Ken offers a summary of integral historiography, revealing a far more comprehensive way to integrate multiple schools of historiography and to deepen our enactment of both the facts and most salient interpretations of the historical record.
Integral Politics: Its Essential Ingredients

Integral Politics: Its Essential Ingredients

Ken Wilber offers a summary of his integral political model, exploring the “major and minor scales” that inform and influence our major political orientations while suggesting a revolutionary path toward a far more integrated approach to politics and governance.

Get Full Access to Integral Life Deep Dive Library

This library is a collection of eBooks and essays that help you better understand the biggest, most complex issues of the 21st century.

The collection includes Integral Politics, Who Ate Captain Cook, The Many Ways We Touch by Ken Wilber, The Great Release by Robb Smith, and a dozen more books.

Full Spectrum Mindfulness

Ken Wilber's flagship teaching, Full Spectrum Mindfulness is a groundbreaking new web course that combines Western approaches to Growing Up with Eastern methods of Waking Up, giving you what you need to dramatically deepen your awareness and skill by awakening the eight major levels of evolution alive in you right now.

Learn More

Tribute to Ken Wilber

Watch as we honor Ken’s extraordinary life and legacy, paying tribute to all the incredible work Ken has done over the decades to put so many pieces of our human puzzle together into a radically new vision of life, the universe, and everything. Includes appearances by Alex Grey, Lana Wachowski, Tony Robbins, Kermit the Frog, and many others.

Watch Now for Free

Ken Wilber's Archive

Radical Wholeness and the Five Paths of Transformation

Radical Wholeness and the Five Paths of Transformation

Ken Wilber and Andrew Holecek explore the frontiers of integral theory and human consciousness. Ken shares some of the key insights from his latest book, "Finding Radical Wholeness," offering a novel and deeply insightful perspective on the nature of reality and human development.
Toward a Fourth Turning of Buddhism

Toward a Fourth Turning of Buddhism

Ken Wilber summarizes some of the most important items that any new Turning of the Wheel of Dharma might want to seriously consider.
The 8 Perspectival Zones of Emergence

The 8 Perspectival Zones of Emergence

Ken Wilber is asked whether there are structural preconditions for the enacting of certain zones, whether zones unfold with respect to increasing cognitive development, whether certain zones were even available at earlier times in history, and whether there are “premodern,” “modern,” and “postmodern” zones.
Monological, Dialogical, and Translogical Power

Monological, Dialogical, and Translogical Power

Ken and Corey explore the three different kinds of power, each a product of particular stages of development in both individuals and collectives. Ken explores the different kinds of power associated with each chakra in our interiors, and Corey notes that the same patterns can be seen in the different modes of power associate with social holons.
What is the Problem with Progressivism?

What is the Problem with Progressivism?

Ken Wilber and Bert Parlee explore the many faults and fractures of political progressivism today, as they simultaneously call for more integral forms of progressive thought that are actually capable of meeting the increasingly complex life conditions we are all facing today.
Welcome to the Integral Approach

Welcome to the Integral Approach

What if we attempted to find the critically essential keys to human growth, based on the sum total of human knowledge now open to us?
Morphic Fields and Holomorphic Info-Entropy

Morphic Fields and Holomorphic Info-Entropy

There was a recent article published by The Resonance Science Foundation that sounds like indirect evidence for some form of subtle energy phenomena, and seems to support Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of subtle energies. Are we describing subtle forms of mass-energy here? Are “morphogenetic fields” — which are “informational fields” by definition — congruent with Ken’s understanding of subtle fields?
Subtle Energy, Artificial Intelligence, and WiFi

Subtle Energy, Artificial Intelligence, and WiFi

Knowing that these energy fields are likely correlated with particular levels of complexity, what does this say for something like Artificial Intelligence? Is it possible to create algorithms that are sufficiently complex to generate and transmit these fields? And what about wifi fields? Could we think of these almost like a rudimentary form of subtle energy?
Grace & Grit — ILLUMINATE Film Festival

Grace & Grit — ILLUMINATE Film Festival

Watch as Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Sebastian Siegel, and moderator Maia Monasterios have a lively discussion about the power of love to transcend time and to overcome our greatest challenges and suffering. Learn how we can honor death and loss by transforming grief into a profound appreciation for life.
What’s Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web

What’s Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web

Ken Wilber takes an in-depth look at the Intellectual Dark Web though the lens of Integrative Metatheory, celebrating their contributions to political discourse while also pointing out what they've been missing in their analyses.
The Ken Show: A Live Monthly Q&A with Ken Wilber

The Ken Show: A Live Monthly Q&A with Ken Wilber

We are very happy to announce that Ken Wilber will be doing a monthly webinar on Integral Live in order to answer any questions that you may have for him.
Kosmic Creativity and the Integral Daemon

Kosmic Creativity and the Integral Daemon

“Daemon” is a Greek word that, in classical mythology, refers to “a god within,” one’s inner deity or guiding spirit, also known as a genii or jinn, the tutelary deity or genius of a person; one’s daemon or genii is also said to be synonymous with one’s fate or fortune.
The Feeling of Enlightenment: Sex, Spirit, and the New Tantra

The Feeling of Enlightenment: Sex, Spirit, and the New Tantra

Ken Wilber offers a stunning keynote teaching about Integral Tantra and the "feeling of enlightenment", giving you a powerful set of pointing-out meditations to help familiarize you with the ever-present luminosity of your deepest and innermost Self, as well as sexual practices that will help you integrate your libido with your liberation.
The Path Ahead: Politics, Globalism, and You

The Path Ahead: Politics, Globalism, and You

Ken Wilber offers an extensive presentation to help us better understand the evolutionary pressures that led to the rise of Trump and the backlash against progressivism, and offers his own ideas around the future of the global economy.
Integral Tantra: Sex, Love, and Awakening

Integral Tantra: Sex, Love, and Awakening

Ken Wilber offers a very special presentation on the incredibly juicy topic of sex, love, and Integral Tantra. This is an extended preview of Ken's forthcoming keynote presentation at the What NOW conference at the end of the year.
What NOW: What’s Sex Got To Do With It?

What NOW: What’s Sex Got To Do With It?

"The What NOW conference promises to be a real outpouring of creative information about new and Integral approaches to the world’s problems — environmental, economic, political, technological, spiritual, personal. I hope to see you there."
The Three Principles of Integral Thinking

The Three Principles of Integral Thinking

Ken offers an in-depth summary of the three integrative principles, nonexclusion, enfoldment, and enactment, which he uncovered while putting together his Integral Methodological Pluralism framework — a robust meta-paradigmatic scaffolding that seeks to honor, include, and integrate multiple paradigms and methodologies and practices across all domains of human knowing.
Kosmic Address: Everything In Its Right Place

Kosmic Address: Everything In Its Right Place

Ken Wilber explores the notion of Kosmic Address — a universal “indexing system” that uses the integral framework to situate and constellate all known phenomena (physical, mental, and spiritual), as well our capacity to discern that phenomena. This allows us to not only better understand the nature of each component part, but also how that part relates to every other part and fits into the whole, revealing the hidden architecture of knowledge itself.
The Good, the True, and the Beautiful

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful

Ken Wilber explores the three fundamental discernments of the human mind: the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Ken discusses how all three are simultaneously parts of a single indivisible whole, yet each possesses its own means of disclosing and verifying knowledge.
No Boundary: A Union of Opposites

No Boundary: A Union of Opposites

Ken Wilber explores the intrinsic dualism of the mind, offering a simple but cogent way to "transcend the pairs" and discover the nondual heart of the Always Already.
Full Spectrum Mindfulness: A Guided Tour

Full Spectrum Mindfulness: A Guided Tour

Ken Wilber offers a blistering in-depth guided tour through his widely acclaimed Full Spectrum Mindfulness teaching, a series of simple but powerful practices to unlock your deepest sources of power, love, wisdom, and self-mastery.
Trump: The Anti-Green Backlash Begins

Trump: The Anti-Green Backlash Begins

Jeff Salzman interviews Ken Wilber about how the Trump phenomenon arose, and how an integral sensibility can help us respond to the unique challenge of Trump’s political and cultural movement.
Wake Up, Grow Up: Enlightenment in the 21st Century

Wake Up, Grow Up: Enlightenment in the 21st Century

In this feature presentation from the 2016 SAND Conference, Ken Wilber explains why the path of "waking up" (spiritual awakening) needs to be complemented by the path of “growing up” (psychological maturity) in order to renew and replenish our understanding of enlightenment in the 21st century.
Trump and a Post-Truth World

Trump and a Post-Truth World

The election of Donald Trump is an evolutionary self-correction that has been decades in the making, a backlash against the failure of the leading edge of consciousness–postmodernism and pluralism–to acknowledge the lie underlying the progress they’ve pursued: it’s not equal, it’s not consistent and it doesn't make room for everyone. But a new integral force is emerging that can move beyond the narcissism and nihilism of political correctness to offer genuine leadership and a move towards a developmental-based wisdom of greater wholeness.
Full Spectrum Mindfulness: The Hunger Drive

Full Spectrum Mindfulness: The Hunger Drive

Ken Wilber offers a taste of his Full Spectrum Mindfulness training program, focusing here on the most fundamental level of mindfulness — the hunger drive.
Always Already: The Brilliant Clarity of Ever-Present Awareness

Always Already: The Brilliant Clarity of Ever-Present Awareness

In this excerpt from The Eye of Spirit, Ken Wilber offers one of the most powerful (and beautiful) pieces of spiritual writing he has ever produced. This is the very first time these words have been reproduced on the web, and we invite you to share this chapter however you like.
Right Bucks: Money and Spirituality

Right Bucks: Money and Spirituality

In dealing with this issue of money and Dharma—or money and spirituality in general—there are at least two very different items that need to be teased apart and addressed separately. The first is the appropriate monetary value of any relational exchange (from medical care to education to goods and services in general); and the second is, should monetary exchange ever be linked to Dharma teaching?
Introduction to Integral Spirituality

Introduction to Integral Spirituality

Ken Wilber offers an introduction to a spirituality that honors the truths of modernity and postmodernity — including the revolutions in science and culture — while incorporating the essential insights of the great religions.
A Revolutionary Spirituality

A Revolutionary Spirituality

Ken Wilber offers a general overview of his comprehensive approach to spiritual growth and awakening, noting an important distinction between spiritual intelligence and spiritual experience.
Full Spectrum Mindfulness

Full Spectrum Mindfulness

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Full Body Mindfulness

Full Body Mindfulness

Full Body Mindfulness

Full Body Mindfulness

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What’s So Important About Enlightenment?

What’s So Important About Enlightenment?

What is "enlightenment", and why should we care? What does "oneness with all form" and other mystical-sounding states of mind have to do with our ongoing search for happiness and fulfillment? Listen as Ken makes a stunning case for spiritual awakening, while clarifying the important differences between the integral approach to enlightenment and many of the classic definitions that have been handed down through the millennia.
A Miracle Called “We”

A Miracle Called “We”

How is it possible that you and I can come together, find resonance with each other, understand each other, even love each other, when we are each separate individuals that possess our own unique perspectives, our own diverse interpretations of reality, and our own unseen landscapes of interior consciousness? How on earth do you get in my mind, and I get in your mind, enough that we are in each other to the point that we both agree that we can each see what the other sees? However this happens, it is a miracle, an absolute, stunning, staggering miracle.
The Darth Vader Move

The Darth Vader Move

The brighter the light, the darker the shadow. The “Darth Vader move” is what happens when someone with an exceptionally high level of development uses the skills and capacities of that level for purposes generally deemed to be “wrong” — often the result of a highly developed cognitive intelligence combined with a poorly developed moral intelligence (Nazi scientists being the classic example). What happens when our higher angels get hijacked by our lowest demons? What is the cause of the Darth Vader move, and how can we prevent ourselves from being seduced by the Dark Side of the Force?
Being vs. Knowing: Ending the Debate Between Epistemology and Ontology

Being vs. Knowing: Ending the Debate Between Epistemology and Ontology

Ken Wilber offers a thorough examination of the classic philosophical conflicts between ontology and epistemology, while suggesting a way to seamlessly integrate the two and end this philosophical debate once and for all.
The Meaning of “2nd-person”

The Meaning of “2nd-person”

There has been, for quite some time, a considerable misunderstanding about how the Integral Framework views 2nd person (e.g., "you," "thou"). Ken Wilber thought it was time to address it.
The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

When it comes to the future of artificial intelligence, we have more questions than answers. Are atoms, molecules, and mathematics alone enough to produce machines with genuine human-equivalent intelligence? Can that intelligence ever become truly conscious and possess the "inner light" of interior self-awareness? Will artificial intelligence be capable of determining its own morals, ethics, and values? Listen as Ken Wilber reflects on the future promise — and potential perils — of artificial intelligence.
The Heart of Christ Consciousness

The Heart of Christ Consciousness

Ken Wilber offers a guided tour through the layers of the Christian mystical experience, pointing the way toward the innermost heart of Christ Consciousness.
Human 101: The Psychology of the Future

Human 101: The Psychology of the Future

How can we formulate an approach to psychology that honors and embraces every legitimate aspect of human consciousness and pulls these multiple aspects together into a single coherent model of the human mind? Watch as Ken Wilber offers one of the finest and most complete summaries of an Integral approach to psychology he has ever recorded, while suggesting how a more comprehensive understanding of human consciousness can help shape a better, kinder, and more sustainable future.
Awakening Christ Consciousness

Awakening Christ Consciousness

Ken Wilber offers a special teaching to awaken Christ Consciousness within your own heart and mind, right here and right now.
Supermind and the Primordial Avoidance

Supermind and the Primordial Avoidance

Ken offers a fascinating preview of his upcoming book, The Religion of Tomorrow, where he describes the highest structure of conscious that has yet evolved — the all-pervading, all-embracing stage known as “Supermind” — making this one of the finest meditations on your own highest-possible self you could possibly ask for!
Holons: Turtles All the Way Up, Turtles All the Way Down

Holons: Turtles All the Way Up, Turtles All the Way Down

Ken Wilber explores the idea of "Holons" — a word coined by Arthur Koestler to describe wholes that are simultaneously parts of other greater wholes (a whole atom is also part of a whole molecule, which is part of a whole cell, etc.)
What Are the Four Quadrants?

What Are the Four Quadrants?

Ken Wilber offers a brief summary of his Four Quadrants model, one of the most important elements of Integral Theory and Practice.
The Five Elements of AQAL

The Five Elements of AQAL

Ken Wilber offers a brief summary of the theoretical formulation known as AQAL (pronounced “aw-qwal”) — which is shorthand for “all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states, all types”.
Kosmic Creativity: How to Manifest a Universe

Kosmic Creativity: How to Manifest a Universe

Ken Wilber explains how we can connect with the creative spark at the core of every moment, and how we can harness that creativity to manifest our own unique vision and purpose in our lives.
Allergies and Addictions: States of Consciousness

Allergies and Addictions: States of Consciousness

From the lowest depths to the highest peaks, there is no place our shadow will not follow us, even into the heart of nonduality itself. Listen as Ken Wilber offers a guided tour through the major states of consciousness described by all the world’s spiritual traditions, while pointing out the many ways that our shadows can impede or even sabotage our efforts to contact and stabilize these states.
Basic Moral Intuition: The Greatest Depth for the Greatest Span

Basic Moral Intuition: The Greatest Depth for the Greatest Span

Everyone has a general intuition of morality, but each person has to actually bring it into practice and make it relevant in one's own unique context. How can this understanding help us make better choices for ourselves and for the world? Listen to find out!
Having No Head: A Pointing-Out Exercise

Having No Head: A Pointing-Out Exercise

"Keep an open mind," we like to say, "but not so open your brain slides out." But what happens when you open your mind so fully that you end up temporarily misplacing your entire head? Well that’s enlightenment, baby!
A Tribute to Ken Wilber

A Tribute to Ken Wilber

They say we are all standing on the shoulders of giants. In this video we celebrate one of the biggest and most important giants around: the one and only Ken Wilber. This was our chance to say thank you for all the truth, goodness, and beauty that Ken continues to bring into the world. Ken’s work has ignited the hearts and minds of so many, and we are honored to walk this path with him.
The Future of Consciousness, Culture, and Technology

The Future of Consciousness, Culture, and Technology

What future we are imagining for ourselves, for the integral movement, and for the impact of the integral vision on our shared future? With all the emphasis we see in spiritual communities about the importance of being in the NOW, it can be easy to forget how important it is to keep a careful eye on the future. After all, aren't our thoughts about the future just another way to distract ourselves from connecting to our true selves in this present moment?
The Pre/Trans Fallacy

The Pre/Trans Fallacy

In this clip from Volume 1 of the Ken Wilber Life Footnotes collection, Ken offers a brief explanation of the pre/trans fallacy: the confusion of pre-rational and trans-rational, pre-personal and trans-personal, pre-conventional and post-conventional, etc.
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