Coming Home: Between You and Love

Leslie HershbergerSpirituality, Web course

We often assume that an elusive something or someone “out there” is keeping us away from the Love that is always present. Yet, it is simply our own unconscious contraction rooted in our personality type structure, which shuts us down from receiving Love’s embrace. The psalmist writes:

For You alone my soul in stillness waits…
So I have called out to You in
my heart…
Because your wondrous Love is
Life in me…
I would radiate your Love
as I live
Becoming a blessing to others
in gratitude to You.

In this course, we invite you to cultivate a capacity to receive Love through learning contemplative method and the Enneagram which identifies nine distinct ways we contract from receiving Love.

About Between You and Love

Between You and Love is an innovative extension to the Coming Home web course that combines Christian contemplative practice with the Narrative Tradition of the Enneagram in order to uncover and overcome your unique obstacles to giving and receiving love in your life.

The question “What stands between me and love?” is central for all of us who are trying to live a more fulfilling and compassionate life. This web course will help deepen your relationships and explore what is working for and against you in your quest to love and be loved.

Whether you took the original Coming Home course or not, this new offering from Leslie will help you situate yourself exactly where you are in your own field of love.

Between You and Love is inspired by everything Leslie has learned from leading the Coming Home community over the last several years, and for the first time, includes her considerable knowledge of the Enneagram as applied to the Christian tradition, allowing you to hone in on your particular wants, needs, and patterns of loving with incredible accuracy.

Contemplative method through the lens of the Enneagram not only cultivates presence, but also invites you into compassion which is a state of feeling energetically connected. Compassion is far more challenging than presence for it strikes deeply at your own conditioned nature. Compassion encompasses both subject and object and we recognize, as we listen to people articulate their own experience of their type, that we are deeply connected.

It’s a practice. It’s cultivating spiritual capacity. It’s a shift from understanding in your head into an experience of Love in your heart.

Welcome to Between You and Love.

This web course includes:

  • Seven audio teachings from Leslie
  • Eight audio reflection or guided meditation practices led by Leslie.
  • A special video interview with Helen Palmer, founder of the Narrative Tradition of the Enneagram
  • Three special audio presentations on the Enneagram Heart, Head and Body Centers.
  • Nine audio dialogues between Leslie and individuals representing the nine Enneagram types.
  • A special text excerpt from Paul Smith’s book Integral Christianity exploring States of Consciousness
  • PDF handouts for reflection exercises.

Save big when you register for both Coming Home and Between You and Love web courses.
Click here to learn more about Coming Home.

Coming Home
Single Course


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Coming Home + Between You and Love
Two Course Bundle


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