Reclaiming Your Power While Struggling With Chronic Illness

Dr. Lynn Royster FuentesBody, Existential, Free, Integral Life Practice, Integral Life Practice, Intrapersonal, Practice, Short Practices, Spiritual, Video


Lynn Fuentes offers a brief teaching about how to reclaim your power while struggling with the sense of disempowerment that often accompanies various kinds of chronic illness, whether you are dealing with your personal health issues or those of a loved one.

This clip is excerpted from Lynn’s full Koan of Chronic Illness web course, an invaluable resource for people who are in the midst of their own health challenges or are supporting someone in their family who is facing similar challenges. Click here to learn more about this extraordinary program.

Lynn is also making the course available on a sliding scale, as she wants to be sure that those who are impacted financially by their illness also have access to these valuable teachings. Click the link above to learn more about these discounted rates.

We also invite you to check out the following free series of interviews, which includes patients, caregivers, clinicians, spiritual teachers, and authors, of whom look at some of the deeper dimensions of illness:  why is illness such a puzzle, what existential meaning can we give to it, how societal attitudes reflect our shadow, how modern medical systems can be both beneficial and detrimental, and how spirituality plays a role.  Includes interviews with Corey deVos, Lynn Feldman, Joe Perez, and others. To see the interviews, simply click here.

As you listen to this lesson, you can use the Notes app in the bottom-left corner of your screen to record any reflections that may come up for you.