Live Your Deepest Yes




What is your Deepest Yes?

Deep within, at your very core, there is a voice. This voice is the guiding wisdom that we all have access to. When you clarify and attune to that place inside, you gain access to that voice – learning first how to listen and then speak and act from it. This is the source of right speech, right action and right livelihood. It is the ground from which your purpose, values and ethics arise organically across the various domains of your life.

When your heart, body, mind and soul are aligned, you experience a profound sense of rightness all the way down. This is your truth. The truth about who you are, what you want and why you’re here. This truth is the very thing that has been guiding your quest for authenticity, purpose and meaning. When you touch this truth, you experience it like a tuning fork sounding from the core of your being that reverberates out to dynamically interact with life. I call this truth your Deepest Yes.

How do you live your Deepest Yes?

You learn to tap into your Deepest Yes when you’re finally ready to integrate all aspects of who you are, rather than trying to find your “truest” self. You gain access when you are ready to make peace with the past and embrace life as your greatest teacher. When you say yes to your Deepest Yes, you maximize the power of clarity, conviction and personal accountability.

Living your Deepest Yes is living in alignment with that deep truth in everything you say and do. You live it by releasing everything that obscures that truth. You live it by enacting your purpose on a daily basis. You live it by finally, irrevocably, saying YES to you.