Barry Johnson introduces the concept of polarity thinking, offering a revolutionary framework for addressing complex societal issues like poverty, racism, and climate change. Rather than viewing problems as having singular solutions or evil sources, Barry explains how mismanaged polarities—such as justice vs. mercy and freedom vs. equality—are at the heart of many dysfunctions. By adopting a both/and mindset, we can break vicious cycles, foster balance, and create more sustainable solutions in our personal and collective lives.

Barry Johnson
Founding Partner, Chairman & Creator of The Polarity Map® and Principles
Barry (he/him) created the first Polarity Map® and set of principles in 1975. Since then he has been learning And applying Polarity Thinking® with people and organizations all over the world. As Chairman of Polarity Partnerships, LLC., he continues to explore and promote supplementing Or-thinking with And-thinking to enhance our quality of life on our planet.
With humility And pride, Barry continues to create a collaborative international community of polarity practitioners, including Mastery Program graduates, who are dedicated to the study and application of Polarities in a variety of disciplines and situations.
Barry’s newest publication, And: Volume One – Foundations and And: Volume Two – Applications represent what he and his colleagues have learned about And-thinking since his first book, Polarity Management: Identifying and Managing Unsolvable Problems, came out in 1992.
Barry is an avid outdoorsman and intrepid traveler, and brings head And heart together in his teaching and consulting. Barry and his wife, Dana, have 5 children and 11 grandchildren.
Areas of Polarity Thinking application: Business & Industry, Government, Education, Not-for-profit