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Evolving Spirit: Form, Emptiness, and Everything in Between

Join us for Evolving Spirit, a new monthly series that takes us deep into the heart of Integral Spirituality, hosted by Kimberly Theresa Lafferty. Each month, Evolving Spirit will feature intimate and thought-provoking discussions with Kimberly and leading experts, exploring the intersection of integral ideas, personal lived experience, and transformative spiritual practices. From ethics in spiritual communities to psychedelics and stages of development, we will deeply explore the topics that shape our evolving spiritual lives.

Healing Trauma and Deepening Spirituality

Welcome to a monthly series that focuses on trauma and healing through its relationship to transcendent spirituality. Sessions will include silent meditation, journaling, peer-to-peer support, and ample time for questions and answers. Although these sessions will focus on important psychological and spiritual issues, and will allow for personal sharing, the sessions themselves are not intended as a form of psychotherapy and does not substitute for the importance of individual trauma therapy with a qualified professional.