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Event Series Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Join us for a practical, community oriented journey exploring the genuine embodiment of Turquoise in our daily living. What does it really mean to embody such views? Together we’ll take the map provided by the philosophical giants of our time and prior, and look to the territory itself. No matter your cosmic location in this very moment, we all have the capacity to see and share insights together on our unfolding wisdom, growing and evolving together toward the later stages of evolution. Come, join us!

Drawn Into Integral Presence: The Right Brain Path

Inspired by Betty Edwards, Iain McGilchrist, John Vervaeke, and Ken Wilber, this series invites us into a creative flow that cultivates integral presence--and creativity as the erotic pull of emergence itself. This isn't an art class. It is an exploration of intuitive, embodied awareness—essential in times of digital overload, social complexity and every intellectual going on and on about everything that's "meta!" While the left hemisphere's analytical mind is well understood--especially in the Integral community--this journey explores the spacious, meditative realm of the right hemisphere. We’ll keep aside the maps (as much as we can and without denying their value), and venture more into direct presence, play, and the simple feeling of Being—the Territory itself.