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One Life, Two Journeys: Childhood Trauma & Transcendent Spirituality

One Life: Two Journeys will be a six-session course focused on issues of childhood trauma and its relationship to transcendent spirituality, and will include silent meditation, journaling, peer-to-peer support, and ample time for questions and answers addressing these two areas of life. The guiding text for the course will be The Monster's Journey: From Trauma to Connection, which is authored by Dr. Forman.

Creating a Vibrant Vision for 2024 (FREE REPLAY UNTIL 1/31/24)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Are you ready to get clear on what would inspire you toward greater happiness and fulfillment in the coming year and release what is holding you back from creating it?

Join Lisa Frost to create a Vibrant Vision for 2024, clear the obstacles that might derail you from realizing that vision, and activate the new beliefs, behaviors and way of showing up that will make creating your vision possible.

Fireside Chat on Politics and Culture, with Jeff Salzman

For over a decade with his popular podcast, The Daily Evolver, Jeff Salzman has sought to bring an integral sensibility to current events, pointing out the updraft of Emergence and how it animates our evolving world and selves. While evolution is beautiful, however, it is not pretty and life provides us (individually and collectively) with plenty of challenges. The goal of Jeff’s work is to engage them with expanded wisdom, compassion and courage. In these sessions, Jeff will offer commentary and invite questions from participants. The sessions are recorded and may be used in Jeff’s Daily Evolver podcast.

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.

Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Join the live Zoom session Being and Becoming starts with a desire to understand two significant, ever-expanding possibilities: becoming present to experience and evolving experience. It will explore this territory through meditation practice and an inquiry into the nature of that practice. Each session will include two guided meditations and time for discussion and sharing. Its primary focus is on ...

What is Turquoise Psychology?

Integral consciousness leads us into a turquoise psychology, a psychology that includes and transcends previous systems and practices. This is a next level of complexity in psychology—a meta-psychology. A turquoise psychology is fundamentally a form of dialectical discourse—two or more people, stable in Integral consciousness, enjoying the dialectic. Join Dr. Keith Witt to learn more at this Integral Life event for members.

Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Join the live Zoom session Being and Becoming starts with a desire to understand two significant, ever-expanding possibilities: becoming present to experience and evolving experience. It will explore this territory through meditation practice and an inquiry into the nature of that practice. Each session will include two guided meditations and time for discussion and sharing. Its primary focus is on ...

Let’s Get Things Done! Co-working at Integral Life

Do you find that you work better if there's company? Perhaps a little extra sense of collaboration and accountability to show up? Join us for a coworking session over Zoom! Whether you have tasks related to your job, are seeking employment, or simply need to tackle those lingering to-dos, this session is for us to both challenge and support each other to be productive. This two hour block is to commit to plan your week and go through your task list, which could be anything from creating art, reading, returning calls or paying bills).

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging

What is the inner process that moves with us from birth until its culmination with our final breath, and perhaps beyond? Let's embark on a path of meaning, purpose, vitality, and connection as we boldly go from aging to Saging with the wisdom and compassion of Integral Multiperspectivalism.