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Exhale: A Free, Full-Day, At-Home Practice Retreat to Release and Recharge
Become a Supporting Member to Get Full Access to Integral Life Practice Platform (and save $100 off our upcoming membership update!)
As a supporting member of Integral Life, you will gain access to life-changing practices, perspectives, and presentations, published weekly, and all designed to help you live with unprecedented levels of freedom and fullness.
Rather than focus on merely one aspect of the self, Integral Life brings a whole and balanced approach to realizing the full spectrum of your being, providing you with the very best and most effective guidance to help you Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, and Show Up in your life, your relationships, and your work in the world. Learn more about Integral Life →
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Let us know what you think about Exhale and practices that you attended!
We are almost at the close of 2020 — and what a year it’s been. Presidential elections, pandemics, civil rights protests, massive social unrest…. we’re sure you’re feeling as exhausted as we do.
And yet…. there is so much opportunity here. The tremendous pressures and challenges of our time are calling forth new ways of thinking, being, and doing — all of which are needed in order to adapt and truly thrive in the midst of such rapid and radical change.
It’s why we call this the dawn of the Transformation Age. These new selection pressures are forcing us to evolve our consciousness, our cultures, our systems, and our behaviors. But here’s the thing: there can be no transformation age without you.
Which is why we created our new Integral Life Practice community platform – to support you and give you all the transformational tools you need to Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, and Show Up in your life, your relationships, and your world.
And it’s why, for one day only, we are offering a free, full-day, live practice retreat that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home — so you can catch your breath after a very tumultuous year, reconnect with your deepest and fullest self, and prepare for the momentous challenges that lie ahead of us all.
This free practice retreat will take place on Saturday, November 7th (just a few days after the U.S. election… how’s that for timing!) and will feature a full day of guided, real-time practice with a global community of transformation specialists.
Finding Room for All of You
This will be a space where you can release all of the accumulated static from this year — all of your hopes, fears, anxieties, frustrations, etc. — and where you can replenish your mind, body, and heart as we head into the new year.
You’ll learn growing up practices that will help nourish and sustain your ongoing development, refine your skills, and unleash the hidden potentials within you.
You’ll learn waking up practices to help you contact the unshakeable ground beneath every experience you’ve ever had — your most ultimate and everlasting source of peace, presence, and anti-fragility.
You’ll learn cleaning up practices to help you re-integrate your biases, blind-spots, and shadows, so you can see your world (and your own mind) with more clarity and less reactivity.
You’ll learn showing up practices to help you more fully inhabit all dimensions of your life and offer your greatest possible gifts to the world — right when it needs you the most.
Remember, these are live, community practice sessions — so be sure to show up on time to any of the sessions you wish to attend, find a comfortable space as free from distraction as possible, and prepare to have your video camera on (it’s important for us to see each other’s faces!)
See below for a full schedule of the practices that we will be doing together.
IMPORTANT: You haven't set your timezone yet. Your ILP Calendar will show Practice Session times in other timezones if you don't set your local timezone. You can set up your timezone here.
Become a Supporting Member to Get Full Access to Integral Life Practice Platform (and save $100 off our upcoming membership update!) As a supporting member of Integral Life, you will gain access to life-changing practices, perspectives, and presentations, published weekly, and all designed to help you live with unprecedented levels of freedom and fullness. Rather than focus on merely one aspect of the self, Integral Life brings a whole and balanced approach to realizing the full spectrum of your being,…
“With some communities in rebooted lockdown conditions and movement restricted everywhere else, no one is posting pictures of their sourdough. Zoom cocktail parties have lost their novelty, Netflix can only release so many new series. The news seems worse every day, yet we compulsively scroll through it. We get distracted by social media, yet have a pile of books unread. We keep meaning to go outside but somehow never find the time. We’re bored, listless, afraid and uncertain.” - Jonathan…
Divided minds lead to divided times, and it is the central calling of an integral life to heal division within and in the world through a living capacity for higher integration, inclusion and compassion. This isn’t easy, and it requires practice, but ILP is a dedicated community to help you do so. Meet your practice leader Robb Smith is a leading thinker on the Transformation Age and the global Integral movement. He is the co-founder and CEO of Integral Life.
In this session, Beena Sharma will walk us through a short practice of harmonizing our experiences of 2020, using the lens of vertical development. Beena will take us on a short yet spacious tour of one aspect of each stage of development that we can explore subjectively. You can walk away with a brief practice guide you can use anytime. Meet your practice leader Beena Sharma is President of the Vertical Development Academy, and an international consultant committed to serving…
2020 has been a year of challenges. The physical and financial challenges often take center stage. But the psychological challenges are right there, underneath the headlines. The most insidious of which is the erosion of trust. Can I trust anyone? Anything? We ask ourselves these questions every day. The answers are crucial. Our very existence hangs in the balance. The ...
Every year of our human journey is an invitation to grow and evolve. Challenges, crises and uncertainty are opportunities to build our resilience and integrate past material. But let’s face it, 2020 has gone above and beyond the typical range of challenges, forcing all of humanity to confront uncomfortable truths about ourselves, our systems and each other. Join Lisa Frost ...
IMPORTANT: You haven't set your timezone yet. Your ILP Calendar will show Practice Session times in other timezones if you don't set your local timezone. You can set up your timezone here.
Keith Witt explores the rich terrain of the integral mind. Will include an open Q&A with anyone who would like to join the call. Just click the zoom link below to join the discussion! You can watch this free broadcast on the first Saturday of each month at 2:00 PM PT (3:00 MT / 5:00 ET). You can also stream ...