Welcome to Lee Mason's
The Essence of Integral Flourishing
To flourish is to thrive in every context of your life. And to do so, you need an integral mind, one that sees the big picture and the details of how flourishing is intimately tied to factors like emotional positivity, shadow, flow states, vitality, interpersonal connection, joy, purposeful contribution and goal achievement. In The Essence of Integral Flourishing, the longest, most comprehensive course Integral Life has ever published on integral theory, you will build the deep understanding you need to thrive from Lee Mason, one of our most beloved Integral Life Practice leaders.
Join us. Cultivate an integral mind that by its very architecture can’t help but lean towards greater flourishing.
Course Overview
If you’re serious about living a life that is as healthy, happy and meaningful as possible, then expanding your knowledge about the science of flourishing is the foundation of doing so.
After all, the better you know what motivates you to make healthy life choices, what brings you joy and gives you a feeling of purpose, the more effectively you can take action to optimize your well-being.
Indeed, by learning more about yourself, it’s as if you’re gradually uncovering a dashboard full of buttons, dials and other controls that you can tweak to make your life significantly more satisfying.
That’s why The Essence of Integral Flourishing course takes you deeply into integral metatheory and the PERMA model of flourishing to give you a deep, scientifically-ground view into human well-being.
During this course, you can expect to:
– Achieve a thorough, practice-based understanding of flourishing, what psychologists call the ability to thrive across all the contexts of your life
– Deepen your understanding of all of the elements of integral metatheory, especially as it’s applied to flourishing
– Learn about the PERMA model of flourishing and why Positivity, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievement are so foundational to the well-lived life
– Learn how to apply techniques to effectively enhance your well-being and increase resilience, and improve areas of your life where you’re languishing
– Learn more about the recent history of the study of human flourishing and the current state of research into well-being
– Explore the key components of happiness as currently categorized within the field of psychology
– Combine critical thinking with inclusive reasoning
– Experience the effectiveness of Integral Theory as a meta-theoretical framework for synthesizing conflicting (academic) perspectives
What You'll Learn
Module One: Introduction to Flourishing provides an overview of the course. We examine Ken Wilber’s Integral Model and Martin Seligman’s PERMA Model, two theoretical models which serve as guidelines throughout the entire course.
Module Two: “Positive” Emotion examines the recent history of positive psychology. We also explore some strengths and challenges of current research into well-being. During this module, we further assess the value of positive and negative emotions for human well-being and development.
Module Three: Quadrants examines the physical, emotional, mental and existential domains of human experience. Using these domains, we explore the Quadrant Model of Integral Theory. You will also be asked to use a survey to evaluate your well-being across the Quadrants. During this module, we further discuss how to recognize Quadrant Absolutism.
Module Four: Neurobiology & Well-Being delves into objective aspects of well-being. Using the Quadrant Model of Integral Theory as a framework, we examine stress and pleasure in light of neurological and endocrine processes. We also discuss the phenomenon of “neural plasticity” and experience “interoception” through exercise. During this module, we further discuss the basic functions of neurotransmitters and hormones and the relevance of “the HPA-axis” for well-being.
Module Five: Meaning continues our examination of the categories of the PERMA-Model. We reflect on the relationship between mortality of the human individual and meaningful living. We discuss three perspectives on purpose and encourage you to determine what is meaningful to you personally. During this module, we further explore Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Aaron Antonovsky’s concept of “salutogenesis” and Viktor Frankl’s perspective on meaning.
Module Six: Intelligences examines the concept of Multiple Intelligences. We discuss a number of ways to categorize intelligences and you explore your personal potential through a lens of Multiple Intelligences. During this module, we further examine the value of Multiple Intelligences as an instrument for self-development.
Module Seven: Engagement explores a third category of the PERMA-Model. After examining the concept of engagement and the theory of “flow”, you will reflect on your main personal strengths, as seen by yourself and others. We further focus on Optimism, Pessimism and the value of “Sufficiency-Focus” and “Insufficiency-Focus”.
Module Eight: States & Shadow examines the States element of the Integral Model. After exploring the essence of States, ranging from fleeting emotions to major shifts in our experience of consciousness, we also discuss the concept of “Shadow” and experiment with techniques to increase self-awareness. During this module, we further examine the correlation between EEG-frequencies and states of consciousness.
Module Nine: Vitality examines the relationship between experienced well-being and gross physical health. We specifically examine the basics of nutrition, hydration, sleep and physical activity. During this module, we further discuss the difference between micronutrients and macronutrients, the function of water in the human body, the benefits of sleep for health and performance and the physical and psychological effects of physical exercise.
Module Ten: Relationships examines the realm of interpersonal human relationships and discusses techniques to improve the quality of the bonds we develop and maintain with others. We also explore ways to communicate constructively and manage conflict skilfully. In addition, we discuss the value of gratitude and discuss the techniques of “Active Constructive Responding” and “Non-Violent Communication”.
Module Eleven: Types examines the concept of “typology” in relation to human personalities. First, we discuss the complementary poles of masculinity and femininity, then we explore the MBTI, the Big 5 and the Enneagram as systems to deepen insight into self and others. In addition, we reflect on ways to use typologies to increase empathy and understanding.
Module Twelve: Accomplishment examines the final category of the PERMA-Model. We discuss the achievement of goals, sustainable Will-Power and the concept of “Grit”. We further explore ways to strengthen Will-Power.
Module Thirteen: Levels examines the final element of the Integral Model. We discuss Levels of Units of Matter, Levels of Human Societies, Levels of Shared Worldviews and Levels of Individual Interior Development.
Module Fourteen: Integral Flourishing explores the phenomenon of Flourishing within both the PERMA-Model and the Integral Model. We explore ways to optimize well-being within the five elements of the Quadrants, Intelligences, Levels, Types, and States. We also summarize the course. Lastly, we consciously conclude the course together.
About Lee Mason
As a Physical Therapy graduate of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), Lee has facilitated thousands of treatment sessions with patients in various sectors of the Dutch healthcare industry. As a teacher, he has facilitated courses and workshops for students of universities in Amsterdam (UvA), Utrecht (UU) and Eindhoven (TU). He has also created two online courses about the practical application of Integral Theory for the online education platform Ubiquity University. As a coach, he has provided coaching for clients employed by Accenture, Amsterdam University (VU) and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture & Science (OCW). Throughout his career, Lee has helped people to develop healthy exercise, nutrition, hydration and sleep habits and also effectively transform unproductive thoughts, unpleasant emotions and limiting beliefs. Lee’s book (in Dutch), presents an Integrally-informed method which readers can use to achieve important life goals.
Course Curriculum
Module 1 | Introduction to Flourishing |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Integral Flourishing |
Unit 2 | Program Overview |
Unit 3 | Introduction to Integral Theory |
Unit 4 | Introduction to the PERMA Model |
Unit 5 | Summary |
Module 2 | "Positive" Emotion |
Unit 1 | An Experiential Introduction to Positive Emotion |
Unit 2 | On the Emergence of Positive Psychology |
Unit 3 | The Strengths and Challenges of Positive Psychology |
Unit 4 | The Value of Positive Emotions |
Unit 5 | The Value of Negative Emotions |
Unit 6 | Summary |
Module 3 | |
Unit 1 | The Domains of Experience |
Unit 2 | The Quadrants In Depth |
Unit 3 | The Domains in the Quadrants |
Unit 4 | Criticism of Integral Theory |
Unit 5 | Summary |
Module 4 | Neurobiology & Well-Being |
Unit 1 | Objectivity and Subjectivity in Depth |
Unit 2 | Stress and the HPA Axis |
Unit 3 | The Relaxation Response |
Unit 4 | Progressive Muscle Relaxation |
Unit 5 | The Happiness Chemicals |
Unit 6 | Body Scan Exercise |
Unit 7 | Neural Plasticity |
Unit 8 | Interoception Exercise |
Unit 9 | Summary |
Module 5 | Meaning |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Meaning |
Unit 2 | Three Perspectives on Meaning |
Unit 3 | Three Meaningful Moments |
Unit 4 | Meaning Within the Domains and Quadrants |
Unit 5 | Deathbed Visualization |
Unit 6 | Meaning Beyond Models |
Unit 7 | Cultivating Witness Awareness |
Unit 8 | Shifting Your Sense of Self |
Unit 9 | Field Awareness Exercise |
Unit 10 | Summary |
Module 6 | |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Intelligences |
Unit 2 | Physical Intelligence |
Unit 3 | Emotional Intelligence |
Unit 4 | Mental Intelligence |
Unit 5 | Existential Exercise |
Unit 6 | Self-Intelligence |
Unit 7 | Creative Intelligence |
Unit 8 | Moral Intelligence |
Unit 9 | Environmental Intelligence |
Unit 10 | Intelligence Snapshot |
Unit 11 | Summary |
Module 7 | Engagement |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Engagement |
Unit 2 | Experiencing Flow |
Unit 3 | Movement, Breath, and Flow |
Unit 4 | Optimism, Pessimism, Sufficiency, and Insufficiency |
Unit 5 | Superhero Exercise |
Unit 6 | Summary |
Module 8 | States & Shadow |
Unit 1 | Introduction to States |
Unit 2 | The Major States of Individual Human Consciousness |
Unit 3 | States in Relation to the Domains of Experience |
Unit 4 | Inhabiting Physical Awareness |
Unit 5 | Inhabiting Emotional-Mental Awareness |
Unit 6 | Inhabiting Existential Awareness |
Unit 7 | Inhabiting Witness Awareness |
Unit 8 | Inhabiting Unity Awareness |
Unit 9 | Inhabiting Five States of Awareness |
Unit 10 | The Phenomenon of Shadow |
Unit 11 | Embodying Shadow |
Unit 12 | Summary |
Module 9 | Vitality |
Unit 1 | Vitality and Sleep |
Unit 2 | Vitality and Hydration |
Unit 3 | Vitality and Nutrition |
Unit 4 | Vitality and Exercise |
Unit 5 | Summary |
Module 10 | |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Relationships |
Unit 2 | The Quality of Relationships |
Unit 3 | Cultivating Compassion |
Unit 4 | Non-Violent Communication |
Unit 5 | Active Constructive Responding |
Unit 6 | Consensual and Non-consensual Violence |
Unit 7 | Cultivating Gratitude |
Unit 8 | Relationship Network Snapshot |
Unit 9 | Gratitude Letter |
Unit 10 | Additional Gratitude Exercise |
Unit 11 | Summary |
Module 11 | |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Types |
Unit 2 | An Abstract Model of Masculinity and Femininity |
Unit 3 | A Human-Centered Model of Masculinity and Femininity |
Unit 4 | The Myers Briggs Type Indicator |
Unit 5 | The Five Factor Model |
Unit 6 | The Enneagram |
Unit 7 | Summary |
Module 12 | Accomplishment |
Unit 1 | The First Phase of Identifying |
Unit 2 | The Second Phase of Inventorizing |
Unit 3 | The Third Phase of Implementing |
Unit 4 | Counting the Breath |
Unit 5 | The Fourth Phase of Internalizing |
Unit 6 | Summary |
Module 13 | Levels |
Unit 1 | Introduction to Levels |
Unit 2 | Levels of Human Society |
Unit 3 | Levels of Shared Worldviews |
Unit 4 | Levels of Worldview and the Heinz Dilemma |
Unit 5 | Levels of Individual Interior Development |
Unit 6 | Summary |
Module 14 | Integral Flourishing |
Unit 1 | Flourishing Within the PERMA Model and the Integral Model |
Unit 2 | Course Summary & Practice Book |
Unit 3 | Conclusion |
Frequently Asked Questions
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- – One of the most robust training programs we’ve ever published, including over 100 easy-to-follow lessons, including custom-designed exercises, practices, and guided meditations by Lee Mason