Lisa Frost

Welcome to Lisa Frost's Guided Flourishing Experience

Live Your Deepest Yes

What is your Deepest Yes?

Deep within, at your very core, there is a voice. This voice is the guiding wisdom that we all have access to. When you clarify and attune to that place inside, you gain access to that voice – learning first how to listen and then speak and act from it. This is the source of right speech, right action and right livelihood. It is the ground from which your purpose, values and ethics arise organically across the various domains of your life.

When your heart, body, mind and soul are aligned, you experience a profound sense of rightness all the way down. This is your truth. The truth about who you are, what you want and why you’re here. This truth is the very thing that has been guiding your quest for authenticity, purpose and meaning. When you touch this truth, you experience it like a tuning fork sounding from the core of your being that reverberates out to dynamically interact with life. I call this truth your Deepest Yes.

How do you live your Deepest Yes?

You learn to tap into your Deepest Yes when you’re finally ready to integrate all aspects of who you are, rather than trying to find your “truest” self. You gain access when you are ready to make peace with the past and embrace life as your greatest teacher. When you say yes to your Deepest Yes, you maximize the power of clarity, conviction and personal accountability.

Living your Deepest Yes is living in alignment with that deep truth in everything you say and do. You live it by releasing everything that obscures that truth. You live it by enacting your purpose on a daily basis. You live it by finally, irrevocably, saying YES to you.

Course Overview

If you are ready to consciously and actively commit to a deeply meaningful life and to harness the power of your will on behalf of expression of your soul (even if you aren’t completely sure what that is yet), you are ready to Live your Deepest Yes.

Join Lisa for a deep dive into aligning with your deepest truth. This will be an intimate experience of integration, transformation and inspired action where together we will:

  • Get crystal clear on what would give you the greatest sense of fulfillment and joy
  • Make peace with the past so that you can harness the energy inside you to go after what you truly want
  • Radically accept who and where you are as a developing human being so that all parts of you are in alignment with your deepest truth
  • Enact a stronger core self so that life’s curve balls no longer knock you off center
  • Discover a deeper sense of meaning and more expansive purpose so that each day you wake up excited to take inspired action toward your true goal
  • Shift to a new way of being so that more and more your life looks on the outside the way you imagine it on the inside.

This 12-week transformative experience is right for you if:

  • You long for a deeper sense of meaning, fulfillment and purpose
  • You are tired of running up against resistance, fear or self-sabotage every time you go for your dreams
  • You can’t sustainably access the greater joy, freedom and peace you truly crave
  • You can feel the steady march of time and don’t want end up saying “I wish I had done it differently”
  • You are ready to commit to you.

Structure of Program

Over the course of 12 weeks, you’ll meet with me for two hours every week in a private container of live group coaching, personal inquiry and group discussion, as well as weekly lessons and guidance…all designed to build muscles across 5 key Deepest Yes skills and capacities. That’s 24 hours working live with an Integral Master Coach.

Live Your Deepest Yes is a transformational system grounded in the rigorous methodology of Integral Coaching. It offers effective results by combining principles from integral psychology, neuroscience, subject-object theory and stage development. Live Your Deepest Yes draws from techniques in mind-body awareness, mindfulness, psychosynthesis, family systems therapy, Byron Katie’s “The Work,” NLP, and the spiritual practice of surrender.

By addressing underlying commitments and other forms of deep resistance to change, Live Your Deepest Yes creates space for clarity and intentional choice. A new sense of power, purpose and authentic expression become accessible and momentum toward a desired future is the natural outcome.

Live Your Deepest Yes Coaching Program (value $3000)

  • Delivered over 12 live and interactive 2 hour group coaching calls with Lisa Frost where you’ll build muscles across 5 key Deepest Yes skills and capacities
  • Live Q&A on every call
  • Step-by-Step facilitated transformative processes, personal inquiry, group discussion
  • Weekly lessons and guidance
  • A Supportive Community that is just as committed to personal growth as you
  • All calls will be recorded and accessible to you within 48 hours.

What You'll Learn

You have a current way of operating in your life. We all do. And this “way” of yours, is largely unseen by you. Yet it drives the way you see yourself and your relationship to others and the world around you. It essentially drives everything you believe, say and do.

It's like a pair of glasses that you wear each day and don't know you are wearing. This lens, or way of being, is usually unseen because it feels like it is you - until you remove the glasses.

Human development occurs when we are able to make what is subject, object. This means that your current way must move from something that operates behind the curtain to something that you can see and work with. Once you are able to see your current way, you can build skills and capacities toward a new way of being in your life.

Live Your Deepest Yes is designed to help you make this shift in the course of 12 short weeks.

With Live Your Deepest Yes, you’ll unlock within yourself:

  • The voice of your truth that resides in the center of your being and always reveals your deepest wisdom
  • The ability to see your blindspots and shadow aspects that have long held you back from having the life you desire
  • A healthy relationship with yourself so that you are congruent in heart, body, mind and soul toward what you truly want
  • The ability to take aligned action and tap into positive states to powerfully propel you toward your purpose
  • An embodied new way of being in your life that supports you as you create an inspiring future.

At the end of this live group coaching course you’ll be able to say:

  • You are crystal clear on what would give you the greatest sense of fulfillment and joy
  • You’ve made peace with the past so that you can harness the energy inside you to go after what you truly want
  • You radically accept who and where you are as a developing human being so that all parts of you are in alignment with your deepest truth
  • You’ve enacted a stronger core self so that life’s curveballs no longer knock you off-center
  • You’ve discovered a deeper sense of meaning and more expansive purpose so that each day you wake up excited to take inspired action toward your true goal
  • You’ve shifted to a new way of being so that more and more your life looks on the outside the way you imagine it on the inside.

Module 1: Discover Your Deepest Yes

Discovering your Deepest Yes can only happen by taking a journey within.

In this module you will:

  • Find Your Yes: Learn to attune to the voice that resides in the center of your being, the one that always reveals your deepest wisdom
  • Envision Your Future: Get clear about the life you want to live, the one that would feel most vibrant and alive for who you are now
  • Declare Your True Goal: Focus on one goal for the program that would give you the greatest sense of happiness, joy and freedom
  • Activate Your Vision: Take inspired action toward your compelling vision and determining the non-negotiables on your journey

Module 2: Uncover Your Blindspots

We all have blindspots, but once you bring them out into the open you can begin to work with them in a real way.

In this module you will:

  • Understand Your Current Way: Identify the thoughts, beliefs and actions that obstruct your ability to easily enact your true goal
  • Illuminate Your Shadow: Uncover competing commitments and disowned aspects that undermine momentum
  • Clarify Your Truth: Learn how to know the difference between ego truth and essential truth and how to verbalize and act from your essential truth

Module 3: Release Your Resistance

Learn how to work with the natural flex/flow of stretching your comfort zone so you can keep your momentum strong.

In this module you will:

  • Free Your Gifts: Find the gifts in your history so that you can free up the energy and enthusiasm you need for the journey ahead
  • Open Your Heart: Learn to drop the armor that protects your heart from the world so that you can experience the beauty and vibrancy of the present moment
  • Love Your Whole Self: Create a healthy relationship with yourself so that you are aligned in heart, body, mind and soul toward your true goal

Module 4: Own Your Power

Dial up the power of your confidence, conviction and commitment as you witness profound shifts in how you show up for you.

In this module you will:

  • Tap Your Purpose: Tap into what your soul yearns for - the thing that is most fulfilling to you, and learn to use this as your north star
  • Walk Your Path: Take inspired action toward your true goal and create the life that supports your new way of being
  • Amplify Your Joy: Work with states to help you tune into a higher vibration of happiness, joy, freedom, gratitude and peace - regardless of how life is unfolding

Module 5: Activate Your Transformation

On the path of every journey, who you become along the way is the most important part.

In this module you will:

  • Acknowledge Your Growth: Appreciate & celebrate how far you’ve come as you’ve aligned with your Deepest Yes
  • Embody Your New Way: Reflect and integrate your learnings so they become an embodied part of how you move forward
  • Plan Your Next Steps: Define what’s next so you have an action plan that takes you powerfully beyond the program

What People Say

"Working with Lisa is like working with an angel. She helped me to process a personal crisis with as much integrity and self-love as possible." – Emi J.

"Lisa’s own life experience, wisdom, and extraordinary motivating and caring character allow her to be a leader to many different people, from all walks of life. Her desire and ability to give of herself, and keenly understand people, changed my life and those around me. " – Jade L.

"I trust Lisa completely." – Miles W.

"Since my coaching experience with Lisa I'm delighted to have made lasting change in my life. I enthusiastically recommend Lisa." – Suzanne S.

"Lisa has helped me navigate my career by shining a light on my shadows and helping me break through to being the leader I always wanted to be, but couldn’t see the path on my own." – David L.

"Thank you Lisa. You have been a source for deep examination of places within me I haven’t seen in a long time, if at all." – Phyllis B.

"Thanks to the compassionate container that Lisa creates, her exercises always help me reach deeper within myself to increase the awareness and understanding of what is emerging." – Anja C.

About Lisa Frost

Lisa Frost

“My whole mission is to help people live their happiest, most authentic lives.”

– Lisa Frost

Lisa Frost is an Integral Master Coach™ and facilitator. She helps individuals create transformative change, both in professional and personal contexts, and make peace with the aspects of self that hold us back from realizing profound fulfillment, purpose, and joy. 

Lisa holds a Master’s Degree in Integral Psychology with an emphasis in human development and consciousness. She also has over 30 years of experience in business and leadership, 15 years of guiding others through complex crises and major transitions, 20 years of sobriety and is deeply committed to her own path of evolution. 

You can find Lisa at and 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our first zoom session will be during the first week of March and the program will run for circa 12 weeks. Once we have a group, Lee will reach out to determine the best day & time for everyone.

Each session will be 2 hours. Expect to spend between 1-2 hours between sessions on powerful exercises you’ll do on your own.

Yes. And, you will get more out of the in-person sessions if you complete the assignments. This program is about you committing to you and doing the between-session work is the first step you can take to make a greater commitment to yourself.

For the best experience, we highly recommend attending all sessions in person to benefit from doing the practices live with your cohort. However, each session will be recorded and the replay will be available within 2 days.

No. Recordings will be made available for the cohort exclusively. This ensures confidentiality and a safe container.

We don’t know. If you are interested, it would be best to sign up for this cohort.

For more information, please contact Lee directly at


Purchase Now

* Supporting members of Integral Life receive an additional 20% off the price above. Log in or sign up for your member discount.

  • – Delivered over 12 weeks LIVE and interactive 2-hour group coaching calls with Lisa Frost,
  • – A Supportive Community that is just as committed to personal growth as you,
  • – Step-by-Step facilitated transformative processes, personal inquiry, group discussion,
  • – Live Q&A on every call,
  • – Weekly lessons and guidance

Your Price: $1249

Purchase Now