Warren Farrell

Dr. Warren Farrell is the author of many books, including two award-winning international best-sellers, Why Men Are The Way They Are plus The Myth of Male Power. His most recent books are Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say, which is a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club, and Father and Child Reunion about how fathers can be successful at both work and home. A forthcoming book, 25 Ways to Increase Your Pay, helps both employers and employees understand what makes a company want to increase an employee's pay. His books are published in over 50 countries, and in 10 languages.

The Financial Times has chosen Dr. Farrell as one of fifty top "Thought Leaders" in the world, to consult for leading corporate CEOs worldwide (as part of their "Financial Times Knowledge Leadership Dialogue").

Dr. Farrell has conducted corporate training for executives and employees of corporations such as AT&T, IBM, Toyota Corporation, Bell Atlantic, Revlon Corporation, Ogilvy-Mather, Hoffman-La Roche, Teledyne-Ryan, Beckmann Labs, the Psychiatric Institutes of America, Sharp Hospital, and Northern Telecom, as well as associations of corporate executives such as the AMA, TEC, the YEO and the Australian Institute of Management. His government clients have included NASA, HUD, the US Department of Education, and the US Department of Energy.

Dr. Farrell is the only man in the US to have been elected three times to the Board of Directors of the National Organization for Women in New York City; and he has also served on the boards of three national men's organizations. Over a period of 25 years, Warren has formed over 600 women's and men's groups and has worked with more than a quarter million men and women from all walks of life. The Chicago Tribune described Warren as "the Gloria Steinem of Men's Liberation." (Warren, though, has more gray hair.)

Dr. Farrell's background in male/female issues, combined with his Ph.D. in American government and constitutional law, has led to his doing expert witness work in the sex discrimination and sexual harassment area for the US Air Force and a major oil company (request of confidentiality).

Dr. Farrell has run his own business for more than 30 years. He has taught in the School of Medicine at the University of California in San Diego, as well as at Georgetown University, Rutgers, Brooklyn College, American University, and the California School of Professional Psychology. He has taught in political science, psychology, sociology, sexual politics, and public administration.

In 1965, President Johnson recognized Warren as one of the nation's outstanding young educators. Warren later served as an assistant to the president of New York University and received NYU's highest honor for his Ph.D. thesis on changing men's roles and behavior in response to women's roles. He is included in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World.

Warren has appeared eight times on both Donahue and CNN's Sonya Live, and repeatedly on the Oprah Winfrey Show, as well as on the ABC World News with Peter Jennings, the Today Show with Barbara Walters, 20/20, Crossfire and Larry King Live. He is one of the few people to ever get Pat Buchanan and Bob Beckel to agree!

Warren has been featured repeatedly in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Boardroom publications, People, Time, Newsweek, and The New York Times. He has repeatedly appeared on the Today show, CBS Morning News and Good Morning, America. He has written for publications ranging from Psychology Today to the World Book Encyclopedia; from Cosmopolitan to Ms.; from Glamour to journals of sociology and psychology.

Warren resides in Carlsbad, a seaside community in San Diego's North County.

Warren's Body of Work:

(2007) Does Feminism Discriminate against Men? (with James P. Sterba)
(2005) Why Men Earn More
(2001) The Myth of Male Power
(2001) Women Can't Hear What Men Don't Say
(2001) Father and Child Reunion
(1993) The Liberated Man
(1988) Why Men Are the Way They Are

Posts by Warren Farrell


Integral Sex and Gender Studies: Beyond the Blame Game


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It is always important to recognize genuine cases of abuse and discrimination. But it sometimes seems like modern feminism simply claims the status of victimhood, wholly dismissing the masculine perspective. Both perspectives must be honored and accepted as having an essential role to play in furthering understanding within and between genders. Listen as Warren Farrell and Ken Wilber discuss a more integrated approach to sex and gender.