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Eastern Philosophy: Exploring the Vedantic Self and Buddhist Non-Self

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live zoom session Whether it is the individual and collective, the inner and outer, east and west or evolution and involution, Integralists love to integrate! That’s why at this session we will look into two age-old views that come from eastern philosophical thought: the Vedantic concept of Self and the Buddhist concept of Non-self. In ...

The Daily Evolver Podcast

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live zoom session In the Daily Evolver series, host Jeff Salzman explores the pressing news stories of the day, lending some much-needed perspective to the people, events, and ideas that shape the world around us, offering a regular touchpoint for one of the most important practices of all: the practice of staying informed. Every Wednesday ...

The Art of Practice: Practicing the Prophetic

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Join Lisa Frost and Kevin Snorf in a monthly series that will explore how to bring more depth and artistry to our Integral Life Practice — the very best and most effective practices to help you Wake Up, Grow Up, Clean Up, and Show Up in your life, your relationships, and your work in the world.

This series will feature relevant topics on practice, rich discussions with practice leaders around the world, as well as live Q&A’s with our audience. These aren’t your typical conversations about Integral maps — they’re about living in the integral territory.

Discover Your Deepest Yes 2-Day Online Retreat (Registration Required)

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

As a special gift to Integral Life Members, you are invited to attend Discover Your Deepest Yes - a 2-Day Online Retreat designed to help you get clear about what it is you really want for 2023 and intentionally create it. Let this be the year where you finally focus on what would make your heart sing - whether that means expressing your purpose, intimately connecting to others, going on adventures, or pursuing a passion like you never have before.

The Ken Wilber Study Group: Chap. 13: The Dominance of the Descenders

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Friends, it is time to return to holding a good old fashioned book in our hands by taking a bit of a break from the endless YouTube videos, podcasts and streaming TV. Instead, let's commit some time to engage in Ken Wilber's Integral teachings, which are best absorbed as a psychoactive process of reading. And there is no better way to do this than by coming into community to study, inquire, learn together and generate collective wisdom.

Integral Justice Warrior

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live session Note: We are using a new streaming platform called RiverSide, which requires you to open the link above in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Or you can download the Riverside app on your mobile device. Every month we take a close look at some of the most challenging social and cultural fault ...

Integral-Metamodern *In-Person* Meetup, Boulder, Colorado (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! Nomali Perera will organize and facilitate in general, while each of you attending will be encouraged to facilitate future sessions if/when you can. These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by ...

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

*Canceled today only* – Integral-Metamodern *In-Person* Meetup, Boulder, Colorado (free)

Due to bad road conditions, we have canceled today's meet-up. It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! Nomali Perera will organize and facilitate in general, while each of you attending will be encouraged to facilitate future sessions if/when you can. These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through ...

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Witt & Wisdom

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live session Note: We are using a new streaming platform called RiverSide, which requires you to open the link above in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Or you can download the Riverside app on your mobile device. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the rich terrain of the integral mind. Includes an open Q&A ...

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.

Colorado Integral: In-Person Meetup in Boulder (free)

It is time to have more in-person time together as an Integral community! These sessions will be opportunities for us to get to know each other through creating a community of support, connection and healthy challenge by engaging in both theory and practice. Depending on the day and who's available, we may also extend the gathering to tea or dinner in the nearby Pearl Street Mall area. We will invite guest teachers on some Sundays.