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Experiencias De Consciencia Integral

Imagina que tres personas ciegas encuentran un elefante y tocan distintas partes de su cuerpo. Uno recorre con sus manos la trompa, otro la cola y el tercero el torso. Si después tuvieras la oportunidad de pedirles a cada uno que describiera lo que es un elefante, ¿crees que sus descripciones se parecerían? Cada uno hablaría desde lo que conoce y es capaz de percibir, ya que no tienen forma de saber que todas son partes de una misma cosa. Usualmente así nos movemos por el mundo, partiendo de descripciones que solo tienen que ver con nuestra única perspectiva.

Event Series Integral Men’s Group

Integral Men’s Group

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

A monthly, 2-hour deep dive! PLEASE NOTE: This group requires on-time attendance, and will be closed after 10 minutes to maintain a smooth container. Join evolutionary men's guide Jason Lange for an experiential men's group. Get present with yourself, connect with other men, and come away with more clarity about what's ready to happen next in your life. The session will include some light embodiment practices, individual check-ins, breakout rooms to go deep with another man, and space for a few men to get deeper support from the entire group. This will not be a conceptual or teaching-oriented group - your lives will be the focus!

Event Series Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge is not a relativistic refuge from truth-seeking or certainty, nor a panacea, or a therapy, but rather a practice space for embodied participatory knowing. Practicing together in/as the polarity of knowing and not-knowing builds capacity to turn toward the unknowable, the uncontrollable, and the mysterious as they emerge within and between us in real time.

What is Metamodernism . . . Really? (Free session)

Greg Dember is an author who has been writing and presenting on metamodernism since 2013. But wait — wasn’t metamodernism invented by a guy named “Hanzi Freinacht” in 2017? In this presentation Greg will introduce and elaborate on a broader understanding of metamodernism, commonly used in the academic humanities and in arts journalism, that differs from the Integral-adjacent project you may be more familiar with. This is a free session open to all!

Vertical Development Is Here To Stay (free session – open to all)

Vertical development is here to stay. Learning about the stages of development human beings go through as they navigate life conditions and their own emergence, spurs development in the learners and those they touch. How can we do this with a greater degree of compassion, care and discernment? Join Beena Sharma, a long time partner of the integral project, to learn about exciting ways to go deeper into the study and practice of vertical development.

Experiencias De Consciencia Integral

Imagina que tres personas ciegas encuentran un elefante y tocan distintas partes de su cuerpo. Uno recorre con sus manos la trompa, otro la cola y el tercero el torso. Si después tuvieras la oportunidad de pedirles a cada uno que describiera lo que es un elefante, ¿crees que sus descripciones se parecerían? Cada uno hablaría desde lo que conoce y es capaz de percibir, ya que no tienen forma de saber que todas son partes de una misma cosa. Usualmente así nos movemos por el mundo, partiendo de descripciones que solo tienen que ver con nuestra única perspectiva.

Integral Jewish Meditation (FREE): Iyun Ayin, “Immersion Is Spaciousness”

Spiritual awakening is the realization that you are far more than your thoughts and feelings. Beneath your personality, there’s a radiant field of awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. These sessions begin with learning a text from the traditional weekly Torah reading, followed by chanting and Integral Jewish Meditation. This is followed by Q&A, sharing, and dialogue.

Event Series Integral Under 40

Integral Under 40

Join us for this exciting new series designed for younger folks under 40 interested in Integral! These sessions offer a unique space for connection, where our integral hearts and minds can share experiences and engage in group discussions that bridge integral concepts to personal life. Throughout each session, we will explore together different dimensions of integral living: Growing Up, Cleaning Up, Waking Up, and Showing Up.

Tibetan Buddhist Meditation (free session – open to all)

Learn ancient methods of fully integrating self, other, culture, and nature into a single integrated whole of perfect harmony and natural inclusion. We’ll learn essential meditation practices of Foundational Buddhism, Mahayana, and Vajrayana according to the ancient tradition of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism, weaving them together into a comprehensive whole exactly as they’ve been practiced for thousands of years. You’ll not only learn about this, but directly taste it for yourself in the sizzling shared space we’ll create the together of fearless inquiry and tender-hearted compassion.

Event Series Integral Men’s Group

Integral Men’s Group

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

A monthly, 2-hour deep dive! PLEASE NOTE: This group requires on-time attendance, and will be closed after 10 minutes to maintain a smooth container. Join evolutionary men's guide Jason Lange for an experiential men's group. Get present with yourself, connect with other men, and come away with more clarity about what's ready to happen next in your life. The session will include some light embodiment practices, individual check-ins, breakout rooms to go deep with another man, and space for a few men to get deeper support from the entire group. This will not be a conceptual or teaching-oriented group - your lives will be the focus!

Event Series Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge is not a relativistic refuge from truth-seeking or certainty, nor a panacea, or a therapy, but rather a practice space for embodied participatory knowing. Practicing together in/as the polarity of knowing and not-knowing builds capacity to turn toward the unknowable, the uncontrollable, and the mysterious as they emerge within and between us in real time.

Experiencias De Consciencia Integral

Imagina que tres personas ciegas encuentran un elefante y tocan distintas partes de su cuerpo. Uno recorre con sus manos la trompa, otro la cola y el tercero el torso. Si después tuvieras la oportunidad de pedirles a cada uno que describiera lo que es un elefante, ¿crees que sus descripciones se parecerían? Cada uno hablaría desde lo que conoce y es capaz de percibir, ya que no tienen forma de saber que todas son partes de una misma cosa. Usualmente así nos movemos por el mundo, partiendo de descripciones que solo tienen que ver con nuestra única perspectiva.

Integral Jewish Meditation (FREE): Iyun Ayin, “Immersion Is Spaciousness”

Spiritual awakening is the realization that you are far more than your thoughts and feelings. Beneath your personality, there’s a radiant field of awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. These sessions begin with learning a text from the traditional weekly Torah reading, followed by chanting and Integral Jewish Meditation. This is followed by Q&A, sharing, and dialogue.

Event Series Integral Men’s Group

Integral Men’s Group

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

A monthly, 2-hour deep dive! PLEASE NOTE: This group requires on-time attendance, and will be closed after 10 minutes to maintain a smooth container. Join evolutionary men's guide Jason Lange for an experiential men's group. Get present with yourself, connect with other men, and come away with more clarity about what's ready to happen next in your life. The session will include some light embodiment practices, individual check-ins, breakout rooms to go deep with another man, and space for a few men to get deeper support from the entire group. This will not be a conceptual or teaching-oriented group - your lives will be the focus!

Can Integral (Really) Help the World?

We’ve lost something critical to our mental, physical, and societal health: the rite of passage. Keith and Luke will talk about the necessity of reintroducing formal rites of passage for our children, not as a fun thing to do with your kid but as something vital for their development – a piece most of us missed and have had to make up for throughout our lives.

Event Series Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge is not a relativistic refuge from truth-seeking or certainty, nor a panacea, or a therapy, but rather a practice space for embodied participatory knowing. Practicing together in/as the polarity of knowing and not-knowing builds capacity to turn toward the unknowable, the uncontrollable, and the mysterious as they emerge within and between us in real time.

Taking An Integral Approach To Exploring UFOs

Join the live Zoom session
 What if we explore the often-controversial topic of UFO’s through an integral view? Guest Tom Curren takes a comprehensive 4-Quartant approach to the fascinating topic of UFOs. As an orientation to this phenomenon, Tom will include a set of short video clips that he considers relatively reliable, covering selected aspects within the areas of flying ...

Integral Jewish Meditation (FREE): Iyun Ayin, “Immersion Is Spaciousness”

Spiritual awakening is the realization that you are far more than your thoughts and feelings. Beneath your personality, there’s a radiant field of awareness, free from negativity and connected to the aliveness of the present moment. These sessions begin with learning a text from the traditional weekly Torah reading, followed by chanting and Integral Jewish Meditation. This is followed by Q&A, sharing, and dialogue.

Experiencias De Consciencia Integral

Imagina que tres personas ciegas encuentran un elefante y tocan distintas partes de su cuerpo. Uno recorre con sus manos la trompa, otro la cola y el tercero el torso. Si después tuvieras la oportunidad de pedirles a cada uno que describiera lo que es un elefante, ¿crees que sus descripciones se parecerían? Cada uno hablaría desde lo que conoce y es capaz de percibir, ya que no tienen forma de saber que todas son partes de una misma cosa. Usualmente así nos movemos por el mundo, partiendo de descripciones que solo tienen que ver con nuestra única perspectiva.

Witt & Wisdom

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

Click here to join the live session Note: We are using a new streaming platform called RiverSide, which requires you to open the link above in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Or you can download the Riverside app on your mobile device. Keith Witt and Corey deVos explore the rich terrain of the integral mind. Includes an open Q&A ...

Event Series Integral Men’s Group

Integral Men’s Group

Virtual Practice Session Virtual Practice Session

A monthly, 2-hour deep dive! PLEASE NOTE: This group requires on-time attendance, and will be closed after 10 minutes to maintain a smooth container. Join evolutionary men's guide Jason Lange for an experiential men's group. Get present with yourself, connect with other men, and come away with more clarity about what's ready to happen next in your life. The session will include some light embodiment practices, individual check-ins, breakout rooms to go deep with another man, and space for a few men to get deeper support from the entire group. This will not be a conceptual or teaching-oriented group - your lives will be the focus!

Ready, Steady, Grow! The Art & Science of Vertical Development

Click here to join the live session Note: We are using a new streaming platform called RiverSide, which requires you to open the link above in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Or you can download the Riverside app on your mobile device. Join Beena Sharma and Corey deVos for an in-depth look at vertical development, the mechanics of growth, ...

Event Series Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge is not a relativistic refuge from truth-seeking or certainty, nor a panacea, or a therapy, but rather a practice space for embodied participatory knowing. Practicing together in/as the polarity of knowing and not-knowing builds capacity to turn toward the unknowable, the uncontrollable, and the mysterious as they emerge within and between us in real time.

Integral Christianity Today (free event open to all)

What is the state of Integral Christianity in this day and age? What virtues and qualities do Integral expressions of Christianity offer in uniqueness and value to society? And to the body of Christianity around the globe? Join this conversation and presentation to explore this important theme of evolution of religion and spirituality. Bring your friends! This is free and open to all.