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Election Night in the USA: Watch Party!

First, if you are a US citizen, have you voted yet? If not, we certainly hope you will! Please drop off your ballot or make your plan to vote in person.

There is tension, anxiety and excitement in the air. It is hard to escape it. As an integral community, what does this election mean to you? We don't have a clear cut agenda for this online gathering on the night of November 5th, but if you feel that it might be valuable and/or fun to connect, join us! Robb Smith, CEO of Integral Life and Institute of Applied Metatheory will join us for sometime.

Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Join the live Zoom session Being and Becoming starts with a desire to understand two significant, ever-expanding possibilities: becoming present to experience and evolving experience. It will explore this territory through meditation practice and an inquiry into the nature of that practice. Each session will include two guided meditations and time for discussion and sharing. Its primary focus is on ...

Event Series Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Join us for a practical, community oriented journey exploring the genuine embodiment of Turquoise in our daily living. What does it really mean to embody such views? Together we’ll take the map provided by the philosophical giants of our time and prior, and look to the territory itself. No matter your cosmic location in this very moment, we all have the capacity to see and share insights together on our unfolding wisdom, growing and evolving together toward the later stages of evolution. Come, join us!

The View From Somewhere: A Conversational Introduction To Integrative Meta-Studies

This series of conversations between Mark Edwards, Bruce Alderman and audience participants will provide an introduction to the field of planetary meta-studies. Planetary meta-studies is a big picture field of social inquiry, a kind of Earth-system social science, that critically engages with and draws on integrative models and metatheoretical perspectives to study the Earth system in all its majesty, mystery and complexity. In particular, the series will consider the global metacrisis and will offer some avenues for working with the personal and societal challenges that the metacrisis presents. Click to learn more.

Event Series Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge: Embracing the Unknown

Uncertainment Lounge is not a relativistic refuge from truth-seeking or certainty, nor a panacea, or a therapy, but rather a practice space for embodied participatory knowing. Practicing together in/as the polarity of knowing and not-knowing builds capacity to turn toward the unknowable, the uncontrollable, and the mysterious as they emerge within and between us in real time.

Applying Integral Theory to Criminal Justice (free call – all are welcome)

Join the live Zoom session
 Join this session to learn about how a meta theory such as Integral theory can shine a light on criminal justice, ethics and reform. This is a free session. All are welcome! We are privileged to learn from David Champion, PhD, a founding member of the Slippery Rock University Criminology Department. His research interests include ...

Event Series Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Join the live Zoom session Being and Becoming starts with a desire to understand two significant, ever-expanding possibilities: becoming present to experience and evolving experience. It will explore this territory through meditation practice and an inquiry into the nature of that practice. Each session will include two guided meditations and time for discussion and sharing. Its primary focus is on ...

Event Series Integral Saging – Opening Session

Integral Saging: Developing Personal & Collective Wisdom

In this Integral Life members' forum we begin each session with an objective topic & move into an internal, 1st person exploration to develop greater insights into our inner wisdom. Through meditation, guided reflection and personal sharing as a group, as well as in smaller breakouts, we explore our unique personal experiences that help us embody the Sage within each of us. We apply an Integral lens to investigate how wisdom evolves across our lifespan both individually and collectively.

Understanding Trump’s “Mandate”: An Integral View

In this interview, we’ll dive into the concept of the Structure/Content Fallacy (SCF), a framework that brings fresh clarity to developmental theory. The SCF highlights a critical distinction that is often blurred in Integral discourse: the difference between developmental mindsets, or Structures, and cultural belief alignments, or Content.

S’engager dans la théorie et la pratique intégrales

Venez rejoindre la communauté francophone pour un moment de partage et d’échange sur la théorie et les pratiques de Vie Intégrale à l’occasion de la sortie des nouvelles traductions des livres de Ken Wilber en français. Une rencontre qui s’appuie sur les principes de vie intégrale, permettant des échanges entre participants et un travail sur les pratiques en lien avec les chapitres des livres.

Event Series Healing Trauma and Deepening Spirituality

Healing Trauma and Deepening Spirituality

Welcome to a monthly series that focuses on trauma and healing through its relationship to transcendent spirituality. Sessions will include silent meditation, journaling, peer-to-peer support, and ample time for questions and answers. Although these sessions will focus on important psychological and spiritual issues, and will allow for personal sharing, the sessions themselves are not intended as a form of psychotherapy and does not substitute for the importance of individual trauma therapy with a qualified professional.

Experiencias De Consciencia Integral

Imagina que tres personas ciegas encuentran un elefante y tocan distintas partes de su cuerpo. Uno recorre con sus manos la trompa, otro la cola y el tercero el torso. Si después tuvieras la oportunidad de pedirles a cada uno que describiera lo que es un elefante, ¿crees que sus descripciones se parecerían? Cada uno hablaría desde lo que conoce y es capaz de percibir, ya que no tienen forma de saber que todas son partes de una misma cosa. Usualmente así nos movemos por el mundo, partiendo de descripciones que solo tienen que ver con nuestra única perspectiva.

Event Series Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Join us for a practical, community oriented journey exploring the genuine embodiment of Turquoise in our daily living. What does it really mean to embody such views? Together we’ll take the map provided by the philosophical giants of our time and prior, and look to the territory itself. No matter your cosmic location in this very moment, we all have the capacity to see and share insights together on our unfolding wisdom, growing and evolving together toward the later stages of evolution. Come, join us!

The View From Somewhere: A Conversational Introduction To Integrative Meta-Studies

This series of conversations between Mark Edwards, Bruce Alderman and audience participants will provide an introduction to the field of planetary meta-studies. Planetary meta-studies is a big picture field of social inquiry, a kind of Earth-system social science, that critically engages with and draws on integrative models and metatheoretical perspectives to study the Earth system in all its majesty, mystery and complexity. In particular, the series will consider the global metacrisis and will offer some avenues for working with the personal and societal challenges that the metacrisis presents. Click to learn more.

Event Series Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Join the live Zoom session Being and Becoming starts with a desire to understand two significant, ever-expanding possibilities: becoming present to experience and evolving experience. It will explore this territory through meditation practice and an inquiry into the nature of that practice. Each session will include two guided meditations and time for discussion and sharing. Its primary focus is on ...

Event Series Getting S#!t Done!

Getting S#!t Done!

Need a boost to tackle your to-do list? Join us for a virtual coworking session at Integral Life. This supportive, distraction-free space is perfect for getting things done—whether it’s work tasks, personal projects, or those lingering errands. We’ll start with a brief check-in, then dive into a three-hour focus session. Keep your camera on to stay connected as we work individually. You may also hop into a breakout room if you’d like to exchange ideas.

Event Series Uncertainment Lounge

Uncertainment Lounge: Embracing the Unknown

Uncertainment Lounge is not a relativistic refuge from truth-seeking or certainty, nor a panacea, or a therapy, but rather a practice space for embodied participatory knowing. Practicing together in/as the polarity of knowing and not-knowing builds capacity to turn toward the unknowable, the uncontrollable, and the mysterious as they emerge within and between us in real time.

Event Series Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Join us for a practical, community oriented journey exploring the genuine embodiment of Turquoise in our daily living. What does it really mean to embody such views? Together we’ll take the map provided by the philosophical giants of our time and prior, and look to the territory itself. No matter your cosmic location in this very moment, we all have the capacity to see and share insights together on our unfolding wisdom, growing and evolving together toward the later stages of evolution. Come, join us!

Event Series Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Exploring The Embodiment of Turquoise

Join us for a practical, community oriented journey exploring the genuine embodiment of Turquoise in our daily living. What does it really mean to embody such views? Together we’ll take the map provided by the philosophical giants of our time and prior, and look to the territory itself. No matter your cosmic location in this very moment, we all have the capacity to see and share insights together on our unfolding wisdom, growing and evolving together toward the later stages of evolution. Come, join us!

Event Series Getting S#!t Done!

Getting S#!t Done!

Need a boost to tackle your to-do list? Join us for a virtual coworking session at Integral Life. This supportive, distraction-free space is perfect for getting things done—whether it’s work tasks, personal projects, or those lingering errands. We’ll start with a brief check-in, then dive into a three-hour focus session. Keep your camera on to stay connected as we work individually. You may also hop into a breakout room if you’d like to exchange ideas.

Event Series Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Being and Becoming: A Meditation Inquiry & Practice

Join the live Zoom session Being and Becoming starts with a desire to understand two significant, ever-expanding possibilities: becoming present to experience and evolving experience. It will explore this territory through meditation practice and an inquiry into the nature of that practice. Each session will include two guided meditations and time for discussion and sharing. Its primary focus is on ...

Event Series Getting S#!t Done!

Getting S#!t Done!

Need a boost to tackle your to-do list? Join us for a virtual coworking session at Integral Life. This supportive, distraction-free space is perfect for getting things done—whether it’s work tasks, personal projects, or those lingering errands. We’ll start with a brief check-in, then dive into a three-hour focus session. Keep your camera on to stay connected as we work individually. You may also hop into a breakout room if you’d like to exchange ideas.