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Uncovering the Wisdom Within

November 23, 2020 at 8:30 am - 9:00 am PST

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This Integral Life Experience is only available to the supporting members

Our focus in Simply Sitting is on creating and sustaining a meditation practice that isn’t about spirituality. It’s not about enlightenment, or attaining some special state of being. It’s not about anything you might experience. It’s about the simplicity of sitting, and being with what is, day after day. And it just might change your life.

Meet Your Practice Leader

Keith is an award-winning author, Zen priest and sensei, and Northern Kung Fu lineage holder. He is passionate about human connection, creativity, and the evolution of the human mind. Integral theory, contemplative insight, and developmental psychology form the backbone of how he views the world.


November 23, 2020
8:30 am - 9:00 am PST
Practice Session Categories:

Practice Leader

Keith Martin-Smith