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Understanding Islam from an Integral, Cosmopolitan, and Meta-Spiritual Perspective (FREE EVENT)

October 27, 2023 at 9:30 am - 11:00 am PDT

This Integral Life Experience is only available to the supporting members

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In this presentation, Jared Morningstar will explore some of the lesser-known potentialities and actualities of the religion of Islam. He will explore three unique features of the faith tradition: its proclivity for diverse expressions and ability to synthesize multiple value-memes in a cohesive framework; its cosmopolitan orientation which has brought myriad philosophical and spiritual material together; and its endogenous theology of religions and spirituality which provides resources for a non-relativistic but deeply integrated pluralism in this domain. Through these explorations, Jared will try to shed light on some lesser-known ideas and spiritual orientations which could serve to augment, qualify, or transform perspectives in the Integral community which have historically remained under-exposed to Islamic traditions.

This event is free in order to make it available to more friends! Do share!

Meet Your Facilitator

Jared Morningstar is an independent scholar living in Madison, Wisconsin with academic interests in philosophy of religion, Islamic studies, comparative religion, metamodern spirituality, and interfaith dialogue. His work in these areas seeks to offer robust responses to issues of inter-religious conflict, contemporary nihilism, and the “meaning crisis,” among other things. Jared graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College in 2018 with degrees in religion and Scandinavian studies and currently works for the Center for Process Studies, the Cobb Institute, and the Psychedelic Medicine Association.


October 27, 2023
9:30 am - 11:00 am PDT
Practice Session Category:

Practice Leader

Jared Morningstar