Ryan Oelke

Welcome to Ryan Oelke's

Integral Dharma

Awaken. Transform. Engage.

Integral Dharma is a groundbreaking new training program by Ryan Oelke that elegantly combines the profound wisdom practices of Buddhist traditions with the cutting edge insights of Integral theory, offering a unique path to spiritual awakening, personal transformation, and purposeful engagement with the world. This program welcomes individuals from all spiritual and philosophical walks of life, promising a journey that is not only enlightening, but deeply relevant to the challenges and opportunities of our times.

Integral Life Exclusive Course

Course Overview

“Can you start to see that your awakening allows for a more full embrace of the arising of reality? To cultivate a deeper intimacy with what the comprehensive Integral Map points to and a stronger capacity to make sense of everything and everyone happening all at once? You’re not awakening beyond life, you’re awakening into life.”Ryan Oelke

Join Ryan as we weave the timeless wisdom of Buddhism with the profound insights of Integral Theory, your gateway to a richer, more awakened, and more meaningful life. Integral Dharma is more than a web course — it is a transformative experience that empowers you to live with greater intention, greater awareness, and greater compassion. Ryan will guide you through a series of experiential lessons where each insight is deeply integrated into your daily life, taking you beyond conceptual “knowing” into a profound shift in how you perceive yourself and your world. As Ryan says, “In the end, you are Integral Dharma, living Integral Dharma.”

What does it mean to embody integral consciousness?

Integral is much more than an abstract set of ideas. It is a vast territory that lives within you, waiting to be discovered. Integral Dharma is designed to help bring integral ideas to life, so you can fully experience, explore, and inhabit your unique integral territory from the inside out.

How can I cultivate a deeper connection to life?

Discover how Integral Dharma can enhance your understanding and connection to the world around you, so that every encounter and every relationship becomes a new source of compassion and loving kindness.

How can I make every moment an opportunity for awakening and transformation?

We often think of spirituality as somehow separate from the rest of our activities, a space or refuge we go to in order to connect with our deepest wisdom and awakening. But Integral Dharma does something a bit different — it helps dissolve the boundary between “practicing” and ordinary living, so that every moment and every action becomes an opportunity to cultivate and express your awakened sense of purpose, presence, and awareness.

How can I expand my awakening beyond the self?

In Integral Dharma, awakening isn’t confined to personal transformation alone, it extends into the very fabric of our social and collective existence. But how do we bridge this gap between individual enlightenment and social connection? Integral Dharma includes innovative new practices that not only deepen personal awareness, but also connects our insights with the wider community, fostering a shared consciousness that transcends individual perspective.

How can I find a spiritual practice that works for me?

Whether you are a long time practitioner or someone who is just beginning to scratch the surface of meditation, Integral Dharma will offer you a suite of innovative practices that meet you exactly where you are – all customizable and adaptable to your needs, your personal circumstances, and your unique way of being.

“My hope is that this course helps you make the Integral map easier to digest so you can put it to practice and to integrate the fruition of your practice more easily, intentionally, and spontaneously into all aspects of your life. In the end, you are Integral Dharma, living Integral Dharma.”Ryan Oelke

Structure of Program

  • Guided Meditation Practices: Explore a range of meditation techniques, each designed to deepen your understanding and experience of Integral Dharma in a very personal and profound way.
  • Journaling Exercises for Self-Reflection: Benefit from structured journaling exercises that encourage introspection, helping you to internalize lessons and gain deeper personal insights.
  • Real-World Applications: Learn how to apply Integral Dharma principles in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional settings, enhancing your ability to navigate life’s complexities.
  • Personal Insights: Benefit from Ryan Oelke’s personal insights and experiences, which add depth and relatability to the teachings, making complex concepts more accessible.
  • Diverse Learning Materials: Engage with a variety of learning resources, including insightful written content and immersive audio lessons, catering to different learning styles and preferences.
  • Flexible Learning Pace: Enjoy the flexibility to progress through the course at your own pace, allowing you to absorb and reflect on the teachings fully.
“The new Buddha is not going to be the Sangha, but the unification of the Buddha, Sangha, and Dharma in a single ongoing nondual Awareness and Awakening.”Ken Wilber, Religion of Tomorrow

What You'll Learn

Welcome to Integral Dharma

Ryan introduces the overall Integral Dharma view, shares his personal orientation and inspiration. Lessons include:
  • The Path of Integral Dharma
  • What is Integral Dharma to You?
  • The Integral Bodhisattva Vow
  • My Path of Integral Dharma
  • Structure of the Lessons
  • A Brief Introduction to Integral Theory
  • Find Your Integral People

The Evolving Ground of Integral Dharma

Here we explore the foundational concepts, practice paths, and transformative outcomes of Integral Dharma, revealing how evolving perspectives, greater interconnectedness, and more integral embodiment all shape a more profound understanding and experience of the Dharma for today's world. Lessons include:
  • The Evolving Ground of Integral Dharma
  • Go for the Essence
  • The Practice of ‘Now What?’
  • Holons: Integral Interconnectedness
  • Subject-Object Fluidity
  • The Nitty Gritty of Transcend and Include
  • Shadows: More than Emotions
  • Your Kosmic Address: Integral Embodiment
  • The Fourth Turning of Dharma: What’s Happening Here Matters.

Integral Dharma Practice Hub

This module offers a deep dive into the nuances of spiritual development, from individual awakening and healing to the expansion of collective consciousness, blending practical guidance with profound insights into the nature of reality and our place within it. Lessons include:
  • Waking Up: Awakening to Everything, Everyone, All at Once
  • Styles of Awakening: Find Your Flavor, Try Something New
  • Meta-Maps of Awakening: Orient + Gain Confidence
  • Healing Awakening
  • Integrating Awakening in Life
  • Cleaning Up: Your Unique Path of Reclaiming Wholeness
  • Growing Up: Inhabiting Stages Beyond Concepts
  • Liberating Meaning-Making Polarities
  • Inhabiting Awakening through Stages of Growing Up
  • Integrating The Phases of Insight and Stages of Identity
  • The Urgency of Integral We’s
  • Practicing as Integral We’s: Zen Relay Noting
  • Integral Metta Practice
  • Four Quadrant Metta Practice
  • Your Awakened Typology
  • Integral Embodiment: The Flesh and Bones of Awakening

Bringing Integral Dharma to Life

Here we focus on applying Integral Dharma in practical, everyday contexts, emphasizing the cultivation of awareness, openness, and active engagement in personal and collective transformation, culminating in a dedication to ongoing growth and mindful living. Lessons include:
  • Directing the Integral Gaze and Embrace
  • Opening Up to What is Needed
  • Showing Up: Awakening and Transformation that is Felt and Seen
  • Dedication: For the Benefit of All Beings

About Ryan Oelke

Ryan Oelke

Ryan Oelke is a co-founder and teacher at Buddhist Geeks and a Senior Teacher of The Realization Process. He has an MSEd in counseling psychology and is contemplative teacher of awakening, healing, and embodiment. He has 20 years experience in meditation, particularly in the Tibetan Buddhist and Dzogchen lineages. Ryan teaches meditation and a way of living dedicated to revealing natural presence and awakening in each moment of our lives, regardless of how it appears to us.

Course Curriculum

Module 1 Welcome to Integral Dharma
Unit 1 Welcome to Integral Dharma
Unit 2 Structure of the Lessons + Recommendations
Unit 3 The Path of Integral Dharma
Unit 4 The Integral Bodhisattva Vow
Unit 5 My Path of Integral Dharma
Unit 6 A Brief Introduction to Integral Theory
Unit 7 Find Your Integral People
Module 2 The Evolving Ground of Integral Dharma
Unit 1 The Evolving Ground of Integral Dharma
Unit 2 Go for the Essence
Unit 3 The Practice of ‘Now What?’
Unit 4 Holons: Integral Interconnectedness
Unit 5 Subject-Object Fluidity
Unit 6 The Nitty Gritty of “Transcend and Include”
Unit 7 Shadows: More than Emotions
Unit 8 Your Kosmic Address: Integral Embodiment
Unit 9 The Fourth Turning of Dharma: What’s Happening Here Matters
Module 3 The Practice Hub of Integral Dharma
Unit 1 The Four Ups: The Practice Hub of Integral Dharma
Unit 2 Waking Up: Awakening to Everything and Everyone, All at Once
Unit 3 Styles of Awakening: Find Your Flavor, Try Something New
Unit 4 The Three Faces of Spirit: Awakening as the Big Three
Unit 5 Six Ways to Meditate
Unit 6 Sudden vs. Gradual Paths of Waking Up
Unit 7 Meta-Maps of Awakening: Orient and Gain Confidence
Unit 8 Ken Wilber’s State-Stages of Consciousness
Unit 9 The Phases of Insight
Unit 10 Start with the End, Work Backwards
Unit 11 Healing Awakening
Unit 12 Navigating Dark Nights
Unit 13 Liberating Shadows of Awakening
Unit 14 Integrating Your Awakening into Life
Unit 15 Cleaning Up: Your Unique Path of Reclaiming Wholeness
Unit 16 Growing Up into Genuine Fullness: Inhabiting Stages Beyond Concepts
Unit 17 Inhabiting Ken Wilber’s Stages of Development: Egocentric to Kosmocentric
Unit 18 Liberating Meaning-Making Polarities
Unit 19 Inhabiting Awakening through Stages of Growing Up
Unit 20 The Urgency of Integral We’s
Unit 21 Practicing as Integral We’s: Zen Relay Noting
Unit 22 Integral Metta Practice
Unit 23 Your Awakened Integral Typology
Unit 24 The Flesh and Bones of Awakening
Module 4 Bringing Integral Dharma to Life
Unit 1 Showing Up: Awakening and Transformation that is Felt and Seen
Unit 2 Opening Up to What is Needed
Unit 3 Directing the Integral Gaze and Embrace
Unit 4 Dedication
Module 5 Beyond the Course
Unit 1 Live Practice Group
Unit 2 Private Mentoring
Unit 3 Recommended Courses from Integral Life
Unit 4 Select Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

Whenever you want! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.


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Your Price: $175

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