Big picture thinking to ground you in a changing world

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Integral Life is a global community that applies big picture philosophies to support human thriving in the 21st century. It offers perspectives, practices, analysis and community to help people grow into the full capacities of integral consciousness in order to thrive in a rapidly-evolving world

Integral Life is a global community that applies big picture philosophies to support human thriving in the 21st century.

kosmic integrity

An unflinchingly honest association with reality in all of its complexity and nuance. It’s service to what’s emerging naturally in the universe through a heart of passionate non-attachment channeled to support others’ passion and their growth, and mind, and heart. Done well, it gives people around us the trust, courage and hope to lead from a place of love, presence and fearlessness. And it is a unique contribution to others, from those living an integral life.
- Robb Smith, CEO of Integral Life

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Introductory course

Build Your Integral Life

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This free introductory course is designed to teach you the basics of Integral metatheory. It includes 24 concise and structured lessons, each designed to teach you one critical aspect of Integral thinking.

Integral Journal

How to Connect with Your Students: An Integral Approach to Higher Education

How to Connect with Your Students: An Integral Approach to Higher Education

This article explores why focusing on the subject matter alone in the student/teacher relationship is a restrictive and non-comprehensive approach to higher education. Such a narrowly focused relationship seems to impede the overall health and development of both the teacher and student. The process of avoiding so much of our lives “to teach” leaves many dissatisfied and thirsting for something deeper and more whole.
Integral Diversity Maturity: Toward a Postconventional Understanding of Diversity Dynamics

Integral Diversity Maturity: Toward a Postconventional Understanding of Diversity Dynamics

This article outlines the authors’ ongoing study of diversity, focusing particularly on the AQAL model as a linchpin in an evolving theory of “diversity maturity.” Recognizing the limitations of non-integral approaches to understanding and negotiating diversity dynamics, the authors explain how an integral perspectives come to inform their postconventional understanding. The authors share their preliminary theory of the diversity maturity process in which the integral vision/theory that unites diversity, complexity, and creativity is the dynamic relationship among and between quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types. The article concludes with an agenda for further theoretical and empirical inquiry.
What Feels Right: An Embodied Perspective on the Ethical Line of Development

What Feels Right: An Embodied Perspective on the Ethical Line of Development

This article examines ethical frameworks across levels of human development and via the quadrants of the AQAL model. The ethical line is examined as it progresses through stages of development, paying special attention to the role of the felt sense in the determination of right action. The role of unconscious forces, particularly the felt sense of disgust, is examined as the basis of moral intuition. Integral Ethics includes the ethical framework of the previous stages and an examination of personal motivation for right action. By inquiring into the unconscious drives that move us, we may begin to recognize the cultural...
Developmental Engagement Field Theory

Developmental Engagement Field Theory

This article explores how social engagement is central to human functioning and development, and how it potentially provides agentic access to intersubjective and interobjective energy fields. An integrally informed developmental engagement field theory is described, with practical suggestions for applying it to living, parenting, and psychotherapy. The article concludes with a lifespan case study that embodies the presented research.
An Integral Taxonomy of Therapeutic Interventions

An Integral Taxonomy of Therapeutic Interventions

Given that therapists are confronted with literally hundreds of techniques or interventions to potentially utilize in their clinical practice — and a growing chasm separating research and practice — how do therapists dispel the confusion that so many of us feel as we confront this fragmented heap of techniques? In short, how do therapists decide which interventions to use with a given client?

Our Projects

All-Time Classics: The Best Of Integral Life

Explore all

Some of the very best practices, perspectives and presentations available in the Integral Life archives. Spanning over 15 years of publishing, these resources are invaluable for anyone who looking to wake up, grow up, clean up, and show up more fully in your life and in the world.

From Jagged Little Pill to Flavors of Entanglement

From Jagged Little Pill to Flavors of Entanglement

Seven-time Grammy Award winner Alanis Morissette takes us on a tour of her life and career by sharing how the threads of her life have increasingly come together...
Starfleet Values Are Integral Values

Starfleet Values Are Integral Values

Today Jeff is joined by fellow integral nerds Cindy Wigglesworth and Corey deVos in this integral appreciation of the venerable Star Trek franchise. Open hailing frequencies, set phasers...
Integral Journalism in the Disinformation Age

Integral Journalism in the Disinformation Age

Stefan Schultz is a journalist for Der Spiegel magazine since 2008, and a student of integral theory since 2018. In this fun and far-ranging discussion, Corey deVos talks...
Integral Power Panel

Integral Power Panel

Join panelists Ginny Whitelaw, Roger Walsh, Jeff Salzman, Gail Hochachka, and Bert Parlee in this far-ranging discussion about power — how to relate to it, how to wield...
Conflict as a Driver of Evolution and Intimacy

Conflict as a Driver of Evolution and Intimacy

Dr. Keith and Corey explore the central role that conflict plays in the ongoing evolutionary process, from the big bang to today, and in our intimate relationships in...
Beyond Genre: Adventures in Rap, Rock, and Romance

Beyond Genre: Adventures in Rap, Rock, and Romance

Rick Rubin, MTV's "most important white boy in hip-hop," has produced some of the most influential and creative albums of the past two decades with artists like The...
The Major and Minor Scales of Integral Politics

The Major and Minor Scales of Integral Politics

Ken Wilber and Corey deVos take an in-depth look at the “major and minor scales” of integral politics — an inventory of the most critical elements, polarities, and...
On the Front Line of the Culture War — Give Me Some Real Examples, Not Just Theories!

On the Front Line of the Culture War — Give Me Some Real Examples, Not Just Theories!

Watch as Ken and Corey offer their views on some of the most controversial policy debates of our time, each of which has become a battle line in...