Animal Mysteries
Chris Huang’s art celebrates animals in the wild. His paintings reveal these creatures not as mirrors of our own humanity, but as radiant Others, at home in their Kosmic habitats, mysterious living beings of Spirit who are to be encountered in reverential awe and wonder.
His compositions advance the cognitive complexity and formal sophistication of abstract painting, the directness of indigenous art, the elegance of Chinese and Japanese nature imagery, and the insightfulness of the visionary—a unique pictorial idiom brilliantly suited to illumine the mysteries of our animal kin.
Michael Schwartz
May 2011
From the artist:
“Inner realities are discovered through introspection. The seeds of new concepts can take root and grow there. As an artist, I attempt to cultivate the subconscious realm and reveal them for the public. Ultimately, I think art should strive to enlighten- to bring one closer to a truth, to the heart of one’s nature. It can and should reach beyond the mass appeal of popular culture’s trends while defying manufactured hype and constant self-indulgence. I believe art can truly expand consciousness if it’s intention is to reflect ideas greater than oneself. The images of mandalas and supernatural nature are ancient ideas that have interested cultures for ages. They are the direct influence of the richness and beauty that is our individual lives, our earth, and the stars beyond. I can think of no better well that an artist can draw continuously flowing inspiration from than our own collective existence and our potential as conscious beings. I honor the way of nature in my art, to express life while living; an infinite surrender to the methods of the Great Mystery.”
Chris Huang

About Chris Huang
Chris Huang creates artwork using colored pencil and ink on wood. Inspired by the natural wonder and cosmic nature of life, the artist crafts his work in the time honored tradition of patience, perseverance, and great passion for the arts and their significance in our world. He shows his artwork regularly in the Boulder/Denver area as his work visits various cafes, restaurants and galleries. In the spring and summer months he runs the Lyons Outdoor Market which features fine arts and crafts in an outdoor setting each Saturday in downtown Lyons, CO. He currently resides in Boulder, CO with his wife and children.