John Bunzl

John Bunzl is a businessman with a simple and powerful new vision for global governance.

In 2000 he founded the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation (ISPO) and launched the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign. Ever since the Simpol campaign started John Bunzl has worked tirelessly to reach out to citizens, activists, non-governmental organisations, politicians and business people to raise both their awareness and understanding of what global simultaneous policies could mean for humanity, prosperity and peace.

John Bunzl is a passionate speaker on global simultaneous policy, and its relevance for a wide range of topics: from tax justice and regulation of the financial markets; sustainability standards; fair trade; military spending; to global warming. He has spoken on events facilitated by organisation such as the World Social Forum, The Schumacher Society, the World Trade Organisation and at various universities such as The London School of Economics.

Championing the theory behind Global Simultaneous Policy John published his first book, called Simpol, in 2001. Two years later John co-authored his second book, Monetary Reform – Making it Happen!, written with the prominent monetary reformer, James Robertson. In 2009 he authored a third book, People-centred Global Governance – Making it Happen!

John is the director of Martin Bunzl International Ltd, a medium-sized UK company trading primarily in textile raw materials and a representative for non-UK companies wishing to sell in the UK.

John has a degree in modern languages and business studies and has studied in France, Switzerland and Italy.

Focused, hands on, idealistic but pragmatic, John has a passion and drive to inspire people. He feels governance and simultaneous policies will help prevent the vicious circle of destructive competition which so often is at the expense of many social, environmental and economic concerns.

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