Willow Dea and Ken Wilber explore the promise of an educational approach that can fully nourish, enrich, and challenge our children in every dimension of their lives.

Willow Dea
Willow Dea, M.S. OTR, is deeply inspired by the impact of transformational practices in emerging educational systems. Her thirst for working with systems began with the human body. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in occupational therapy, the science of human performance.
As a relentlessly curious learner, she was certified in five additional modalities of human integration which facilitate sustained peak performance and conscious embodiment. Willow has used an integral approach with her clients in private practice and in educational settings for 15 years, providing leading edge services for people of all ages. She is currently the Technical & Systems Director for an integrally informed school in downtown Austin, called the Khabele School. Willow is the Editor of Igniting Brilliance: Integral Education in the 21st Century.