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Being With What Is: The Russia/Ukraine Conflict (FREE EVENT)

March 9, 2022 at 9:00 am - 10:30 am PST

This Integral Life Experience is only available to the supporting members

About This Live Experience

Join Lisa for a special edition of Being With What Is: The Russia/Ukraine Conflict, where we will unearth our resistance to accepting the present reality so that we can be better resourced in how we respond to it. This live experience will include both discussion and practice.

About Being With What Is

Any aspect of our present reality that we haven’t allowed ourselves to be ok with, affects our ability to see the present moment clearly and to respond in a grounded way. Whether your strategy is to act like things are fine, despite the chaos all around you, or to actively dig in your heels and shout from the mountaintops how wrong things are, you are unconsciously resisting how life is unfolding, spending your precious time and energy fighting with what is. What would it look like to stop fighting? Is it possible that if you make the first step of radically accepting how things are, in this moment, that you would be better resourced to respond? Welcome to the path of surrender. The path of surrender is not about surrendering to anything or anyone, it is learning to participate fully in the dynamic unfolding of life, as it really is.

This practice session is available to everyone for free. Don’t be late!

Meet Your Practice Leader

“My whole mission is to help people live their happiest, most authentic lives.”
– Lisa Frost

Lisa Frost is an Integral Master Coach™ and facilitator. She helps individuals create transformative change, both in professional and personal contexts, and make peace with the aspects of self that hold us back from realizing profound fulfillment, purpose, and joy.

Lisa holds a Master’s Degree in Integral Psychology with an emphasis in human development and consciousness. She also has over 30 years of experience in business and leadership, 15 years of guiding others through complex crises and major transitions, 20 years of sobriety and is deeply committed to her own path of evolution.

You can find Lisa at www.YourDeepestYes.com and www.HappyHealthyLeaders.com 


March 9, 2022
9:00 am - 10:30 am PST
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