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Expanding Your Joy (Free Session)

December 29, 2022 at 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST

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This session is free for everyone and is the FINAL session in Lisa’s Showing Up For You series – just click the link at the time of the session!

Did you know that you have an emotional “set point”? While it’s true that you may move up and down the scale of emotions in any given day, you have a center of gravity on that scale – where you feel most comfortable both feeling and expressing emotions. Your set point is a product of your childhood emotional experiences and conditioning. Your set point largely determines how high or low you will allow yourself to go on that scale. It also determines whether you tend to hover at the lower or upper end of that scale.

But, while it is true that you have an emotional set point and that it will primarily stay static if unchallenged, it IS possible to shift your set point to experience more positive states, more of the time. This isn’t about layering positivity on top of what you are really feeling. This is an actual shift in your center of gravity along the emotional scale. Join Lisa to learn how to access higher emotional states authentically so you can experience a happier, more joyful way of being.

Bring pen and paper to this session.

About the “Showing Up For You” Series

You are a powerful creator. It’s true. Every day, every moment, you are creating your experience through your intentions, beliefs, values, and actions. Your very worldview determines what you are open to experiencing and what you close down.

“Waking up” isn’t enough. It’s time to grow up and clean up whatever is holding you back from showing up for yourself in this one precious life you have.

Join Lisa for a powerful remembering of WHO YOU ARE, what’s important to you, and the life you really want to create so you can re-align with your true intentions and end this year strong.

This practice session is available to everyone for free. Doors will close 5 minutes after start time so don’t be late!

Meet Your Practice Leader

“My whole mission is to help people live their happiest, most authentic lives.”
– Lisa Frost

Lisa Frost is an Integral Master Coach™ and facilitator. She helps individuals create transformative change, both in professional and personal contexts, and make peace with the aspects of self that hold us back from realizing profound fulfillment, purpose, and joy.

Lisa holds a Master’s Degree in Integral Psychology with an emphasis in human development and consciousness. She also has over 30 years of experience in business and leadership, 15 years of guiding others through complex crises and major transitions, 20 years of sobriety and is deeply committed to her own path of evolution.

You can find Lisa at www.YourDeepestYes.com and www.HappyHealthyLeaders.com



December 29, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PST
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