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Please note: This series requires participants to come prepared to discuss the indicated “part” of the audio course by Michael Singer. This 8-part audio course can be found at If you do not have a membership to, you can get this title for free with a 30-day trial of the membership or on in cd format, or at in video format. Each part is 60-90 minutes of listening.
About the Living From a Place of Surrender audio course (from the author):
In case you haven’t noticed, you have a mental dialogue going on inside your head that never stops.
This is the opening sentence of my book, The Untethered Soul. Since its publication in 2007, I’ve been inundated with questions about why that inner voice is always talking, why so much of what it says is negative and stressful, and most importantly, how you free yourself from it.
In this course, we will put to rest any questions you have about that inner dialogue. Not just about quieting it down – but about how to steadily remove the root cause of its existence.
One of the greatest lessons you will learn here is that trying to achieve happiness by “getting what you want” is actually limiting your happiness. You end up struggling with life instead of experiencing it. True happiness comes only when your inner energy is free to flow. That unhampered flow is, indeed, the goal of this course.
We will see that the most effective personal growth technique is to use life to remove your inner blockages, not compensate for them.
In this course, you’ll learn about your true relationship to the world unfolding around you and to the thoughts and emotions arising within you. But most importantly, you will come into touch with the real “you” – the indwelling consciousness that is witnessing it all.
The intention of this course is to change your entire perspective of life. Every session will challenge you to go beyond yourself.
Join Lisa Frost as we go deeper with Living From a Place of Surrender, through both discussion and embodying the teaching with a specially designed practice.
Part 1: 3/23
Part 2: 3/30
Part 3: 4/6
Part 4: 4/13
Part 5: 4/20
Part 6: 4/27
5/4 – No Meeting
Part 7: 5/11
Part 8: 5/18
“My whole mission is to help people live their happiest, most authentic lives.”
– Lisa Frost
Lisa Frost is an Integral Master Coach™ and facilitator. She helps individuals create transformative change, both in professional and personal contexts, and make peace with the aspects of self that hold us back from realizing profound fulfillment, purpose, and joy.
Lisa holds a Master’s Degree in Integral Psychology with an emphasis in human development and consciousness. She also has over 30 years of experience in business and leadership, 15 years of guiding others through complex crises and major transitions, 20 years of sobriety and is deeply committed to her own path of evolution.
You can find Lisa at and