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When the Meaning Crisis is Necessary – Day 2

July 27, 2023 at 9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT

This Integral Life Experience is only available to the supporting members

The Meaning Crisis, as popularized by Prof. John Vervaeke of the University of Toronto, has become somewhat of a buzz word within the liminal web space. From an integral-developmental perspective, is there just “one” meaning crisis or is it a different crisis of meaning at every stage? And what if the meaning crisis–from a developmental view–is part and parcel of the engine of evolution? What does it actually mean to “awaken from the meaning crisis” if, perhaps, the meaning crisis also comes bearing gifts? Join this 2-part series with Nomali Perera to engage and explore this inquiry with plenty of discussion and breakouts.

Meet Your Facilitator

Nomali Perera, MA, PCC, has been in the field of leadership development coaching, facilitation and teaching since 2007. Nomali is a certified facilitator of Polarity Management, the Immunity to Change™ process, and an Integral Master Coach through Integral Coaching Canada. Nomali has also been a professional consultant in people development and training in Brazil and Mexico. She was a staff member of Integral Institute in the early to mid 2000’s and was a co-founder of the Boulder Integral Center.


July 27, 2023
9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT
Practice Session Category: