Ken and Corey offer a stunning overview of the psychological shadow. Ken describes several different kinds of shadow, how shadow can show up differently in all four quadrants, and the relationship between shadow, violence, and social transformation.
The Four Quadrants: A Guided Tour
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosKen and Corey take a in-depth tour through one of Ken’s most well-known contributions to integral philosophy: the Four Quadrants. Watch as Ken shares his personal story about the origins of the Four Quadrant model — the day everything came together — as he weaves 3rd-person theoretical descriptions of the model with his own 1st-person experience and creative process.
Big Time: Integral Historiography and You
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosKen unpacks his own approach to integral historiography, helping us to better understand our own place in history — and history’s place in us.
Integral Social Justice
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosIn this stunning 3 hour discussion, Ken Wilber offers his own views around healthy and unhealthy forms of social justice, praising the healthy and legitimate efforts to enact social justice over the generations while noting how much of today’s broken discourse around social justice is helping to perpetuate multiple forms of injustice.
More Than an Infomercial: What’s New at Integral Life
Corey deVos and Jeff SalzmanToday I’m joined by Corey DeVos, editor-in-chief of Integral Life. I invited him on because my job is highlighting the emergence of integral consciousness, and I have been really impressed with the stuff Corey and company are putting out these days. (Plus they host my live show twice a week, and I want them to know I love them!)
The Ken Show: A Live Monthly Q&A with Ken Wilber
Ken WilberWe are very happy to announce that Ken Wilber will be doing a monthly webinar on Integral Live in order to answer any questions that you may have for him.