Ken and Corey offer a stunning overview of the psychological shadow. Ken describes several different kinds of shadow, how shadow can show up differently in all four quadrants, and the relationship between shadow, violence, and social transformation.
The Baby and the Bathwater: Saving Liberalism
Ken Wilber and Corey deVosIn this episode of The Ken Show we explore five themes near and dear to the liberal heart — tolerance, nonviolence, power, privilege, and gender — celebrating the healthy aspects of each that we want to include in a more integral embrace, while weeding out the unhealthy regressive narratives that most of these have devolved into.
Guns, Madness or Evil? The Roots of Mass Shootings
Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosIs America’s rate of gun violence, which multiplies that of other developed countries, an immutable part of our character and culture? How do we respond to the steady news of mass shootings and the senseless killing of innocent people? And how about the perpetrators: are they mentally ill or just plain evil?
When Buddhists Go Bad: The Tragedy in Myanmar (And Why Development Trumps Doctrine)
Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosJeff looks at the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingyas in Myanmar at the hands of the Buddhist majority, and stoked by militant Buddhist monks. What’s up with the religion of peace and compassion? Let’s shed some integral light.
The Gun Problem
Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosAmerica finally faces a challenge it can’t shoot its way out of.