What exactly do we mean by spirituality, and what do we mean specifically by “integral spirituality?” In this discussion, Nomali Perera presents a brief but vast array of ways in which we can explore this topic of integral spirituality. Her guests, longtime integral spiritual teachers and practitioners, Lama Pema Dragpa, Jeff Salzman & Rollie Stanich share their own inquiries and ideas of practices as well as answer questions from event attendees. At the end, you’ll also find a great integral anthem, “Universe Communion” by Stuart Davis, which beautifully captures the theme of integral spirituality.

Lama Pema Dragpa
Pema Dragpa has been a resident Dharma teacher at Padma Samye Ling (PSL) since 2004, the main monastery & retreat center of the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center (PBC) founded by the Nyingma Dzogchen masters Ven. Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and Ven. Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche. Ordained as a lama by the Venerable Khenpo Rinpoches in 2010, Dragpa graduated with honors in philosophy and religious studies from New York University in 2002, and is a senior editor of over twenty-five books on Buddhist philosophy and meditation. He regularly travels to lead PBC events on traditional and contemporary Buddhist philosophy and meditation.