Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das

Lama Surya Das is one of the foremost Western Buddhist meditation teachers and scholars. Born Jeffrey Miller, he was raised in Valley Stream on New York's Long Island, where he celebrated his bar mitzvah and earned letters in basketball, baseball, and soccer at Valley Stream Central High School (class of 1968).

While a student at the State University of New York at Buffalo, he attended antiwar protests, marched on Washington, and attended Woodstock.

After graduating with honors from college, he traveled throughout Europe and the East, and he has spent nearly thirty years studying Zen, vipassana, yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism with many of the great old masters of Asia.

Today, Lama Surya Das teaches and lectures around the world, conducting dozens of meditation retreats and workshops each year. Based on his relationship with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Surya Das founded the Western Buddhist Teachers Network and has organized three week-long conferences of Western Buddhist Meditation Teachers with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India. He also teaches regularly at Esalen, Open Center, Omega Institute, Interface, at universities in the United States and abroad, and at spiritual centers of all kinds.

He is also a regular contributor to Tricycle magazine, New Age, and Yoga Journal.

When he's not meditating, teaching, or attending a retreat, Surya Das enjoys music, dogs, swimming, bicycling, hiking, and haiku poetry. He resides in Concord, Massachusetts, outside of Boston.

Posts by Lama Surya Das


The Essence of Awakening: Who Are We Really?

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Lama Surya Das, beloved meditation teacher, scholar, pioneer of bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West, and author of the bestseller Awakening the Buddha Within among many more, shares bright gems of wisdom from his extensive experience practicing Dzogchen, his long immersion in meditation retreats, and studying in person with the great spiritual teachers of Asia.


Why Be a Buddhist, When You Can Be the Buddha?

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Why be a Buddhist, when you can become the Buddha? With this simple question, Lama Surya Das cuts directly to the heart of the integral spiritual impulse, hinting at a secret that lies at the center of all the world’s spiritual traditions. An exemplary teacher of Dzogchen Buddhism, Lama Surya delivered this presentation with diamond-tipped clarity, precision, and wit, suggesting a few ways we can carry this realization for ourselves through our day-to-day lives while reminding us how simple it all really is: the most sublimely ordinary experience you will ever know.