Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Ph.D. is one of the world’s leading experts on Integral Theory and its application. Building on the vision of American philosopher Ken Wilber, he has played a significant role in creating the academic field of Integral Theory.

Before founding MetaIntegral, Sean served as chair of the Department of Integral Theory and director of the Integral Research Center at John F. Kennedy University. He is founder and executive editor of The Journal of Integral Theory and Practice (JITP), co-founder/co-organizer of the biennial Integral Theory Conference, and editor of the SUNY Press book series in Integral Theory. A leading scholar-practitioner in integral studies, Sean and has published extensively in numerous academic journals, applying the integral model to a wide range of topics, including research, education, ecology, sustainable development, the science and religion debate, and consciousness studies.

He is co-author of Integral Ecology (Integral Books, 2009) and editor of Integral Theory in Action (SUNY, 2010) and Integral Education (SUNY, 2010). Sean lives with his wife and two daughters on five acres of Redwoods in Sebastopol, California.

Posts by Sean Esbjörn-Hargens


Grappling with the Metacrisis

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In this dialogue, the world of metatheories comes alive with urgent, purposeful meaning, because as Sean and Nick point out, integrative metatheories like Ken Wilber’s integral theory and Roy Bhaskar’s critical realism are the only tools that provide a useful framework for us to talk about and confront the vast web of interrelated and wicked problems we face on every level at this time.


Integral Ecology: A Post-Metaphysical Approach to Environmental Phenomena

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Integral Theory provides a distinct and participatory approach to Ecology. This article introduces Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, distinguishes the Integral approach from other methods, and applies some key concepts to Ecology. The ontology, epistemology, and methodology of environmental phenomena are examined in light of Wilber’s framework and the framework is applied to multidimensional examples of recycling. Finally, an Integral Ecology platform is presented.


Integral Ecology: An Ecology of Perspectives

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There are many competing approaches available for responding to environmental problems and dealing with ecological issues. This article provides an introduction to Integral Ecology, an approach that takes the valuable insights from all the major schools of ecological thought and unites them in a comprehensive framework. First, the difficulty of defining “ecology” is explored. Next, the twenty-five major approaches to ecology are introduced. Finally, Integral Ecology is defined in such a way that it honors the importance of all these approaches.


An Integral Tour of Consciousness Studies


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Consciousness is not only found in the Upper-Left quadrant in Integral Theory, which concerns itself with individual subjectivity and experience; rather consciousness is located in each of the four quadrants. This short essay examines how consciousness reveals itself and is studied in each of the four quadrants within Integral Theory.


Consciousness as Embodied, Embedded, Enmeshed

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Consciousness is all too often understood purely in subjective terms. An Integral approach recognizes that subjectivity is only one of four dimensions to consciousness. This article proposes that consciousness (subjectivity) cannot be understood independent of its co-arising with bodies (objectivity), cultures (intersubjectivity), and systems (interobjectivity).