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Critical Race Theory: An Integral Inquiry

November 6, 2021 at 9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT

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This Integral Life Experience is only available to the supporting members

Last month we explored abortion. This month let us dip our toes into Critical Race Theory (CRT), yet another hot button issue in the US. Across cultures, this theme could be a close cousin of the over-all topics of race, immigration, feminism, etc. So, let’s jump right in, shall we?
These topics can contain a lot of heat. Our time together being just a short 90 minutes, we won’t be “solving” any problem! Rather, we will discuss and practice creatively the most integral, compassionate, both/and perspective-taking skills and tools to co-create more meaning, and learn to appreciate the tensions of evolution itself. In these times of heavy polarization, let’s enact the spirit of Coincidentia oppositorum – unity of opposites!

Optional: Join 10 minutes early to chit-chat, meditate or listen to music together.

Meet Your Practice Leader

Nomali Perera, MA, PCC, has been in the field of leadership development coaching, facilitation and teaching since 2007. Nomali is a trained facilitator of the Immunity to Change™ process, a Master Coach at Life XT and a certified Integral Master Coach through Integral Coaching Canada. Nomali has also been a professional consultant in people development and training in Brazil and Mexico. She currently lives in Boulder, Colorado.


November 6, 2021
9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT
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