Lines of Development

Corey deVosContext Map

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Context Visualization

This map provides a comprehensive overview of various types of intelligence (or “lines”) across multiple developmental stages, including aesthetic, cognitive, emotional, ethical, gender, interpersonal, mathematical, moral, needs, self-identity, space-time, spiritual, and values. Each intelligence is explored through various stages, showcasing the evolution of human perception, understanding, and interaction with the world.

Here are some highlights from each intelligence type:

Aesthetic Intelligence: This covers the evolution of artistic appreciation and creation, from basic sensorimotor perceptions to deep, personal creative expressions and understanding art’s cosmic significance.

Cognitive Intelligence: It spans from basic sensorimotor learning in infancy to cross-paradigmatic thinking in advanced stages, where individuals synthesize multiple paradigms for a holistic understanding of reality.

Emotional Intelligence: Ranges from basic physiological responses to transpersonal aspects, where emotions transcend personal identity and include experiences such as awe and compassion.

Ethical Intelligence: Moves from egocentric ethical senses to ethics that include care for all sentient beings, highlighting a progression from self-centered to more universal ethical considerations.

Gender Intelligence: Describes the journey from seeing gender as a biological given to transcending conventional definitions and expressions of gender.

Interpersonal Intelligence: Discusses the development from primal bonding in infancy to complex understanding and management of relationships in adulthood.

Mathematical Intelligence: Details the progression from basic number sense and concrete arithmetic to transcendent comprehension involving high-level abstraction and understanding of mathematics as a subjectively-constructed system.

Moral Intelligence: Traces the evolution from basic obedience and punishment orientation to transcendental morality, where moral decisions are made from a perspective that transcends specific societal norms.

Needs Intelligence: Outlines the hierarchy of needs from basic physiological needs to self-transcendence, focusing on connecting to something beyond the individual.

Self-Identity Intelligence: Explores self-identity development from the incorporative self in infancy to stages where individuals have a profound sense of connectedness with all life and transcend ego boundaries.

Space-time Intelligence: Covers the understanding of space and time, from primal immediacy to transcendent vistas that contemplate human existence and consciousness in the cosmic landscape.

Spiritual Intelligence: Describes the stages of spiritual development, from primal faith to mystic-communal stages characterized by a sense of unity and connection with all beings.

Values Intelligence: From survivalistic values focused on basic needs to more complex values embracing interconnectedness and broader human and environmental considerations.

This document is a detailed exploration of human development across various facets of intelligence, offering insights into the progression from basic, instinctive stages to more complex, integrated, and holistic levels of understanding and being​.

Note #1 Some stage descriptions are speculated, based on similar developmental capacities of related intelligences, and are awaiting further research. These speculative stages are clearly noted.

Note #2: This Context Map is still being developed, and will be updated over time.

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Corey deVos

About Corey deVos

Corey W. deVos is editor and producer of Integral Life. He has worked for Integral Institute/Integal Life since Spring of 2003, and has been a student of integral theory and practice since 1996. Corey is also a professional woodworker, and many of his artworks can be found in his VisionLogix art gallery.