Living an Ethical Life

Roger WalshEthical, Ethics, Free, Perspectives, Presentations, Video 1 Comment

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How do you live your life free of regret? How do you take the wisdom of the Integral vision and exercise it in your day to day life? How do you move beyond the blame and guilt that so often festers in the basement of your psyche? And why can it be so hard to simply be good? Roger discusses this and more in his presentation on Integral Ethics, delivered at the 2010 Integral Theory Conference.

We recommend that you hold this presentation on ethics as an important cornerstone of your Integral Life Practice. In many ways, ethics represents both the first and final word in any authentically-lived life, where the fruits of our practice ripen, fall to the ground, and seed our future intentions, actions, and interactions.

Not only is your capacity to live a fully conscious and ethical life a reliable measure of your personal enlightenment, it is essential if you actually want any good to come from your realization. In fact, there is a good case to be made that if your enlightenment doesn’t engage this world in some way, if it doesn’t touch the people around you, if it doesn’t actively gild and guide your response to suffering, complexity, and compromise, you can’t really call it “full” enlightenment anyway.

What’s interesting about Integral Ethics, however, is that it is not just a battery of “shoulds” and “have-tos”—we don’t practice ethics because someone tells us we are supposed to, we practice ethics because it is a natural expression of the radical abundance of the Integral Vision itself…

We’d like to thank Roger Walsh for sharing this presentation with us, and urge you to check out his website at

Image by Philip Rubinov Jacobson [+view gallery]

Roger Walsh

About Roger Walsh

Roger Walsh, M.D., Ph.D., has spent nearly a quarter century researching and practicing in the world's great spiritual traditions. His critically acclaimed book, Essential Spirituality, is a summary of that wisdom, outlining the seven spiritual practices common to the world's major religions.


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