The internet originally promised to pull us together. Instead it seems to have pushed us even farther apart. It was supposed to democratize our information, but is instead flattening our knowledge, fomenting a virulent strain of anti-intellectualism and eroding our trust in the fundamental institutions (media, science, politics, etc.) that support modern civilization. The internet was supposed to rekindle our civic idealism and revolutionize our political systems; instead it created a platform where cynicism, tribalism, confirmation bias, and aperspectival madness would eventually culminate in a total epistemic collapse.

We no longer enjoy a “shared reality” in any meaningful sense. We now live in a time-shifted honeycomb of mediated views and values — a flat and fragmented reality that has completely changed the shape of our consciousness, our culture, and our conduct in the public sphere. And while we continue to have far more in common with each other than not, it is getting more difficult to see those commonalities with each new day.

But something new is beginning to take shape. Every new breakthrough is precipitated by a breakdown, and the "post-truth" era is itself just the inevitable breakdown of a postmodern age collapsing under its own weight — the age of ironic detachment and cynical deconstruction — while a brand new era of authenticity, transformation, and integrated wholeness is beginning to break through the surface of history, all across the planet. We often call this newly-emerging stage of personal, cultural, and social development the "Transformation Age" — and it is a decidedly integral age.

On this page we share a number of perspectives and practices to help you navigate through the noise and static of the "post-truth" era, and to help illuminate the path toward a far more sane and sustainable future.


Many of the resources you find on this page are available for free, or you can access EVERYTHING on this page (as well as our full library of practices, presentations, and perspectives) for just $1. Click here to learn more and to start your Integral Life!

Trump and a Post-Truth World
Ken Wilber [FREE]
The election of Donald Trump is an evolutionary self-correction that has been decades in the making, a backlash against the failure of the leading edge of consciousness (postmodernism and pluralism). But a new integral force is emerging...
The Rise of an Integral Global Operating System for the 21st Century
Robb Smith [FREE]
Robb Smith puts the tumult of 2016 into historical perspective and looks ahead at the “momentous leap into the transformation age” that he believes is underway right now.
Inside the Great Release
Robb Smith
Robb Smith explains the current historical moment as a natural and predictable backlash against the twin dominance of the right-leaning Multinational Capital Holon in economics, and the left-leaning Multicultural Culture Holon in culture, that has existed since the 1970s.
What Is Integral?
Ken Wilber [FREE]
Over the last several decades, there has been an extensive search for a comprehensive map of human potentials. This map uses all the known systems and models of human growth — from the ancient shamans and sages to today’s breakthroughs in cognitive science — and distills their major components into 5 simple factors, factors that are the essential elements or keys to unlocking and facilitating human evolution.

Immigration, Postmodernism, and Feminism: An Integral Reckoning
Ken Wilber and Corey deVos
Ken Wilber responds to questions about immigration, the dangerous excesses of the political right, and the regressive tendencies we are seeing in the postmodern left. Ken and Corey then offer a fascinating exploration of feminism and the need for both men and women to better harmonize the public sphere of politics, career, and religion with the private sphere of family, hearth, and home.
From Polarization to Integration
Ken Wilber and Corey deVos
Ken Wilber and Corey deVos explore some of the causal factors behind so many of the regressive tendencies in our culture and politics these days, from new social pressures coming from social media technologies like Facebook, to the historic evolutionary trends that have formed and informed our major schools of political thought in the first place.
The Path Ahead: Politics, Globalism, and You
Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber offers an extensive presentation to help us better understand the evolutionary pressures that led to the rise of Trump and the backlash against progressivism, and offers his own ideas around the future of the global economy.
The State of the World 2017: The Wake of Trump
Jim Garrison and Ken Wilber
Jim Garrison and Ken Wilber offer a post-election report on the rise of Donald Trump and the implications for the future, as well as the many failures among the liberal leading edge that contributed to Trump’s election.
Trump: The Anti-Green Backlash Begins
Ken Wilber and Jeff Salzman [FREE]
Jim Garrison and Ken Wilber offer a post-election report on the rise of Donald Trump and the implications for the future, as well as the many failures among the liberal leading edge that contributed to Trump’s election.
The End of Politics: How Crowdocracy Can Transform Our Government (And Save Us From Ourselves)
Alan Watkins and Ken Wilber
Is democracy too broken to handle the world’s most wicked problems? If so, what’s the alternative? Listen as Alan Watkins shares his own vision of the future of politics and governance.

A New War for Power
Robb Smith
Black Lives Matter. MeToo. North Korea. Robert Mueller. Fake news. What do these and dozens of other headlines have in common? Robb explains how they all point to a new war for power that is currently underway — how power is being used and misused, how power is changing, and who will have power when the momentous leap into the transformation age is done.
Integrating Power
Ginny Whitelaw, Roger Walsh, Jeff Salzman, Gail Hochachka, Bert Parlee, and Robb Smith
Join our panelists in this far-ranging discussion about power — how to relate to it, how to wield it, and how to avoid getting trampled by it. Let’s explore how we might go about better integrating power in our selves and in society, deepening our wisdom and virtue as we work together to meet the great challenges and opportunities of our time.

The Four Faces of Truth
Ken Wilber [FREE]
Ken Wilber explores the four primary methods we use to acquire and verify our knowledge, allowing us to escape our current “post-truth” quagmire by bridging the ever-widening divide between conflicting views, values, and verities.
Integral Semiotics: The Language of Liberation
Ken Wilber [FREE]
How do we derive meaning from the words we use? An integral approach fundamentally changes how we understand the nature of language, communication, and shared meaning. Integral Semiotics offers a comprehensive map or framework of most of the known worldspaces available to humans.
Pre-Truth, Post-Truth, and Beyond
Jeff Salzman
Jeff Salzman takes a look at how integralists can understand and relate to the fight over pre-modern, modern and postmodern conceptions of truth, and how a new integration of the three can help us build a more authentically inclusive world.
Conspiracy in the Age of Aperspectival Madness
Corey deVos and Terry Patten
Corey deVos and Terry Patten attempt to navigate the endless web of conspiracy theories with some degree of wisdom and discernment, and to bring a small dose of sanity to the dangerous epidemic of aperspectival madness that is flooding through our world.

Beyond Race and Victimhood
Greg Thomas, Jeff Salzman, and Corey deVos [FREE]
Greg Thomas has thought and written extensively on one of the most vexing conundrums in our culture: race relations. In this discussion we attempt to chart a new course, one that includes the postmodern insight into oppression and its effects, but challenges its fixation on racial and victim identity.
The #MeToo Reckoning
Diane Musho Hamilton and Jeff Salzman [FREE]
Diane and Jeff look at the upside of the #MeToo movement, as well as its inevitable overreach. They look at how it heals historic patterns of abuse, and what it is blind and hostile too. And they look to integral consciousness, the ability to hold multiple perspectives, as a way forward.
Unitas Multiplex: A More Integral Approach to Diversity
Roger Walsh and Ken Wilber
Roger Walsh and Ken Wilber explore a more integral approach to diversity that seeks to add a critical missing piece that has been missing from the conversation: the notion of developmental diversity.
What Jordan Peterson (and His Fans and Foes) Can Learn from Integral Theory
Jeff Salzman [FREE]
Through subsequent postings critical of “leftist radicals,” Jordan Peterson has become a hero for advocates of free speech, and a idol to people who are opposed to the postmodern promulgation of multiculturalism and gender fluidity. So where does Peterson fit in the integral schema?

Finding Greater Resilience in the Trump Era
Dr. Keith Witt and Jeff Salzman
Dr. Keith Witt talks to Jeff Salzman about the negative effects today’s polarized politics are having upon people’s psychological health, and the strategies you need to become more resilient — and less reactive — to the many stresses of our time.
Sanity in the Post-Truth Era
Dr. Keith Witt
Dr. Keith Witt talks about our shared emotional reactions to the election and ongoing cultural upheavals, and some strategies help us not only cope, but actually grow through these times.

The Shadow Side of Technology
David Riordan and Jeff Salzman
Jeff Salzman talks with David Riordan, Vice President of Media for Integral Life, about some of the ways we can inhabit the virtual world more safely and intelligently.
Peering Into the Post-Privacy World
Dr. Keith Witt and Jeff Salzman
Jeff talks with integral psychotherapist Dr. Keith Witt about the arising of big data and its effect on our individual and collective psyches.
From Rationalism to Nationalism: How the Internet Ruined Everything
Douglas Rushkoff [FREE]
In this short article author Douglas Rushkoff weighs the effect the internet has had on our collective identity, from tribalism to national retrenchment.
Move Fast and Break Things: Are Facebook, Amazon, and Google Hacking Our Democracy?
Jonathan Taplin and David Riordan
Jonathan Taplin discusses the targeting practices of the tech giants Facebook, Google, and Amazon and their possibly corrosive effects upon democracy.

Integral Without Borders: International Development in a Post-Trump World
Gail Hochachka, Paul van Schaik, and Ken Wilber
How might the integral framework help facilitate healthy growth and sustainabilty in developing societies around the planet? Gail Hochachka and Paul van Schaik talk to Ken Wilber about how Integral Without Borders is actively working to meet people's struggles and challenges head-on and help them to gain more perspective and better adapt to their present circumstances.
The Rise of the Benefit Corporation: Bringing More Sanity, Sustainability, and Success to Big Business
John Montgomery and Robb Smith
In a world where corporations often act like psychopaths and seem steered by barely more than greed and avarice, is it possible to transcend their sociopathic pursuit of profit and bring more care and consciousness to our economic system?


Many of the resources you find on this page are available for free, or you can access EVERYTHING on this page (as well as our full library of practices, presentations, and perspectives) for just $1. Click here to learn more and to start your Integral Life!