Diane talks to Ken Wilber about her new book, Compassionate Conversations, which takes an intimate look at many of these cultural fault lines — power, privilege, identity, systemic racism, political correctness, collective shadows, etc. — and suggests a more skillful, artful, and heartful way to facilitate these conversations, to honor our unique differences, and to reaffirm our underlying unity.
The Daily Evolver Q&A: Deep Listening, Helping People Grow, and Geopolitical Shades of Grey
Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosJeff and Corey answer some questions from our listeners in this special Q&A episode of The Daily Evolver.
Building Bridges: How to Talk to Trump Supporters
Jeff Salzman and Corey deVosIn the wake of the Trump election, many progressives are realizing that one way forward is to reach out to their political opponents, at least to establish a basic human connection. Today Jeff looks at four recent attempts to do that: by comedian Sarah Silverman, philosopher George Lakoff, Vox political correspondent Liz Plank and New York Times columnist David Brooks. Corey also adds some of his own integral tips for good interpersonal hygiene.