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Podcast Series

Ready, Steady, Grow! The Art and Science of Vertical Development

Ready, Steady, Grow! The Art and Science of Vertical Development

Corey deVos and Beena Sharma explore the concept of vertical development and its importance in today's world. Beena, with over 30 years of experience in the field, shares her journey and evolving understanding of vertical development.
How America Got Here: A 50 Year Journey to Polarization

How America Got Here: A 50 Year Journey to Polarization

Robb Smith and Josh Leonard look at the deep structures — in the form of actual events, policies and decisions between 1970 and 2024 — that radically shifted America from one form of system “regime” and associated equilibrium, that of relative national coherence in the early 1970s, into a new, radically- and qualitatively-different regime and equilibrium of extreme polarized decoherence of 2024.

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Radical Wholeness and the Five Paths of Transformation

Radical Wholeness and the Five Paths of Transformation

Ken Wilber and Andrew Holecek explore the frontiers of integral theory and human consciousness. Ken shares some of the key insights from his latest book, "Finding Radical Wholeness," offering a novel and deeply insightful perspective on the nature of reality and human development.
Democracy in Decline? The Supreme Court and the Threat to Public Morality

Democracy in Decline? The Supreme Court and the Threat to Public Morality

How did the democratic process and the values it represents — equality and liberty for all — come to be teetering on the brink? Mark illuminates the fact that the Constitution is not a set-in-stone document, but eminently open to interpretation, and explains that its interpretation is a direct reflection of the worldviews of the Supreme Court justices. In fact, the whole process of democracy needs to be aligned with a certain level of development...
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Journal of Integral Theory & Practice

How to Connect with Your Students: An Integral Approach to Higher Education

How to Connect with Your Students: An Integral Approach to Higher Education

This article explores why focusing on the subject matter alone in the student/teacher relationship is a restrictive and non-comprehensive approach to higher education. Such a narrowly focused relationship seems to impede the overall health and development of both the teacher and student. The process of avoiding so much of our lives “to teach” leaves many dissatisfied and thirsting for something deeper and more whole.
Integral Diversity Maturity: Toward a Postconventional Understanding of Diversity Dynamics

Integral Diversity Maturity: Toward a Postconventional Understanding of Diversity Dynamics

This article outlines the authors’ ongoing study of diversity, focusing particularly on the AQAL model as a linchpin in an evolving theory of “diversity maturity.” Recognizing the limitations of non-integral approaches to understanding and negotiating diversity dynamics, the authors explain how an integral perspectives come to inform their postconventional understanding. The authors share their preliminary theory of the diversity maturity process in which the integral vision/theory that unites diversity, complexity, and creativity is the dynamic relationship among and between quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types. The article concludes with an agenda for further theoretical and empirical inquiry.
What Feels Right: An Embodied Perspective on the Ethical Line of Development

What Feels Right: An Embodied Perspective on the Ethical Line of Development

This article examines ethical frameworks across levels of human development and via the quadrants of the AQAL model. The ethical line is examined as it progresses through stages of development, paying special attention to the role of the felt sense in the determination of right action. The role of unconscious forces, particularly the felt sense of disgust, is examined as the basis of moral intuition. Integral Ethics includes the ethical framework of the previous stages and an examination of personal motivation for right action. By inquiring into the unconscious drives that move us, we may begin to recognize the cultural...
Developmental Engagement Field Theory

Developmental Engagement Field Theory

This article explores how social engagement is central to human functioning and development, and how it potentially provides agentic access to intersubjective and interobjective energy fields. An integrally informed developmental engagement field theory is described, with practical suggestions for applying it to living, parenting, and psychotherapy. The article concludes with a lifespan case study that embodies the presented research.
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Helping you make sense of everything with the world’s most comprehensive philosophy

Humanity is entering the Transformation Age, a new era of human civilization, with Integral Consciousness rising at its leading edge. We help you learn to use Integral Philosophy so you can shape the future that’s emerging.

Learn More About Integral Life

Who Is Ken Wilber?

Often referred to as the "Einstein of consciousness studies", Ken Wilber is a preeminent scholar of the Integral stage of human development. He is the originator of the world's first truly comprehensive or integrative philosophy, aptly named “Integral Theory” — something that is becoming increasingly necessary in order to navigate and thrive in today’s world.

“I have one major rule: Everybody is right. More specifically, everybody — including me — has some important pieces of truth, and all of those pieces need to be honored, cherished, and included in a more gracious, spacious, and compassionate embrace.” – Ken Wilber

Learn more about Ken Wilber

In Case You Missed It

The Pre/Trans Fallacy

The Pre/Trans Fallacy

In this clip from Volume 1 of the Ken Wilber Life Footnotes collection, Ken offers a brief explanation of the pre/trans fallacy: the confusion of pre-rational and trans-rational, pre-personal and trans-personal, pre-conventional and post-conventional, etc.
The Heart of Integral Parenting

The Heart of Integral Parenting

Our dear friend Miriam Mason Martineau joins us to explore the exceptionally rich topic of integral parenting. It’s hard to imagine a more important, more meaningful, or more immediately fulfilling application of integral thought and practice than this one.
Full Spectrum Mindfulness: A Guided Tour

Full Spectrum Mindfulness: A Guided Tour

Ken Wilber offers a blistering in-depth guided tour through his widely acclaimed Full Spectrum Mindfulness teaching, a series of simple but powerful practices to unlock your deepest sources of power, love, wisdom, and self-mastery.
Ramping Up Human Evolution in Time to Avert Disaster

Ramping Up Human Evolution in Time to Avert Disaster

In this riveting, mind opening (and bending) conversation, philosopher and peak performance expert Jamie Wheal takes our existential metacrisis head on, asking and often answering the biggest questions we, the human race, face today. More than inspirational, this conversation is like an infusion of the energetic, coherent, transpersonal potential of human beings. Guaranteed, you won’t see things the same way...
The Feeling of Eros

The Feeling of Eros

Ken Wilber offers a 30 minute guided process that will put you in direct touch with Eros — and in so doing, you'll likely encounter the simple mistake of ascribing it source to some object outside yourself. By relaxing the contraction around your heart, you'll experience an unbounded expansion of care, in a simple moment of non-seeking presence.
The Extraordinary Commonplace

The Extraordinary Commonplace

"An Artist romps around in the mystery like a child plays alone in his own backyard, imagining and making up his own rules and reality. An Artist romps around in the mystery like an animal roams the woods, curious and wide-eyed and alert. An Artist romps around in the mystery like an explorer traversing an unknown land, excited, careful and...
The Mysterious World of Shamanism

The Mysterious World of Shamanism

Roger Walsh provides us with a brilliant, big picture perspective, pointing out that at the heart of shamanism (and every great world tradition) are psychospiritual technologies—actual practices—that lead us to the doorway of the Great Mystery, and that service is the culmination of each tradition, both as a means to and an expression of one’s realization.
Meditation for Militants

Meditation for Militants

Jeff talks about integral activism with Justin Miles, founder of the Miles Center for Integral Living in Baltimore. Justin is a former member of the Black Panther party, Buddhist meditation teacher, and therapist. Jeff also looks at the role of cynicism in our political discourse, and takes a couple questions from listeners.