Ken Wilber offers a 30 minute guided process that will put you in direct touch with Eros — and in so doing, you’ll likely encounter the simple mistake of ascribing it source to some object outside yourself. By relaxing the contraction around your heart, you’ll experience an unbounded expansion of care, in a simple moment of non-seeking presence.
Plato explained the creation of love through myth. He said that the masculine and feminine were once joined as a single being, who was then split into two. The pursuit and desire of that whole is love. Ken explains that the same whole was present prior to involution, and that evolution is seeking to reclaim that whole. The driving force of this return to the whole is none other than love. In this rare audio segment, Ken offers a 30 minute guided process that will put you in direct touch with that force—and in so doing, you’ll encounter the simple mistake of ascribing it source to some object outside yourself. By relaxing the contraction around your heart, you’ll experience an unbounded expansion of care, in a simple moment of non-seeking presence. From there, he’ll help you see how your relative ego seems to think that love comes from out there; that some external object or person is what make you feel love.
At the moment your desire ceases, and you stop seeking that object, ever-present awareness shines through as the true source of love and happiness. From this place you experience a love awareness that is not tied to, or bound to, or generated by a particular individual. What this individual instead offers, is a momentary rest; a momentary stopping of your grasping and clinging and self-contracting. When you rest in the presence of this relationship, you’re actually resting in your unqualifiable self—the source of all love-bliss. In their presence, you’ve stopped seeking and simply love. And, as Ken will guide you into experiencing, this is the relationship you can have with all individuals.
Text by Clint Fuhs
Image: The Sacred Secret by Philip Rubinov Jacobson [+view gallery]
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