Justin Miles

Justin F. Miles MA NCC LCPC LACADAS is the CEO of the Miles Institute of Integral Living LLC. He holds an MA in Counseling Psychology, is a Nationally Certified and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor by the State of Maryland's Board of Professional Counselors and Therapists. He has worked in the field of counseling for 15 years and provided mental health treatment to men and women of all ages with a variety of personal challenges. Mr. Miles is a practicing Vajrayana Buddhist in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, engages in long term retreat, has 24 years of meditation experience, is a certified meditation instructor and teaches courses on Buddhism and meditation to individuals and groups. He also teaches preparedness techniques such as gardening, aquaponics, composting, wilderness survival, long term food storage and earth based technologies.

Arts Biography

Justin F. Miles aka J-Who? Worldwise The Sun of Hiphop is a DJ, Beatboxer, Producer and Emcee from Prince Georges County Maryland who has been involved in Hiphop Culture since 1985. For the last twenty three years, he's mostly spent his time freestyling, collecting rare records, making instrumental albums, interviewing Hiphop legends about Hiphop and human development, and creating theories and practices to utilize the four elements of Hiphop as tools for increasing self awareness. Always attempting to see the connection between personal growth and Hiphop Culture, Justin F. Miles has transcended (and included) entertainment and seeks to blend music with education and enlightenment. In 2002 and 2003 he received two grants to create and teach two Psychoeducational Music programs to Baltimore youth, has been a featured Hiphop artist on Ken Wilber's (perennial philosopher and the worlds most translated author) Integral Naked website, lectured at colleges and national conferences about psychology and Hiphop, is the worlds foremost writer about Integral and Non Dual Hiphop, and is currently working on three books; The Contemplations, Hiphop Alive: The Ground, Path and Fruition of the Four Elements and The Physics of Hiphop.

Posts by Justin Miles


Inhabit: Your Resistance

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Spiritual conversations often emphasize the importance of overcoming our resistance and accepting the world for what it is, exactly as it is. However, there are times when we don’t need to overcome our resistance, we need to fully inhabit our resistance. We can’t simply accept what is, we need to put ourselves on the line for what can and should be. How can we bring more mindfulness, skillfulness, and embodiment to our resistance, even while seeing everything as always-already perfect?


DJ Qbert: Alien Octopus Genius


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Part mystic, part alien, part genius, and part octopus, Q was the perfect person to talk to about subjects that seem out of place in a conversation about djing. He’s delightfully bizarre and I knew talking with him would make for some great conversation. For me, interviewing him was a form of deity practice (how do you talk to a God about being God?) and I am genuinely appreciative for him allowing me to see through his eyes for a minute.


The 4th Spinning of Hip Hop

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Hiphop is largely studied from the outside in. We enjoy the music, the art and the dance. We judge, argue, evaluate and rank it, but not much attention is paid to what happens inside the artist. The 4th Spinning is an attempt to look at Hiphop from an Integral perspective, which simply means exploring the inside-and-outside of individuals (behavior, psychology and spirituality), and the inside-and-outside of groups (culture and society), to not only understand but to manifest Hiphop in all of its fullness.