Indistinct Union: An Integral Introduction to Nonduality in Christianity

Christopher DierkesArticle, Cognitive, Journal of Integral Theory & Practice, Spiritual, Spirituality, Spirituality Leave a Comment

This article explores the work of Bernadette Roberts, a little-known contemporary Catholic Christian mystic. I analyze her work as a basis for a renewed and complete Christian map of mystical consciousness for the contemporary era. Through her experience, Roberts lays the foundation for a native Christian nonduality. Nonduality (or in Christian terms, indistinct union) is not described in traditional Christian mystical maps. This article argues for the inclusion and legitimacy of nonduality in Christian spiritual life. The article then focuses on the path of individual states. A fully integral analysis of Christian spirituality would include all elements of the Integral model (i.e., quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types); this article is intended to be an introductory contribution to a much larger project.

Christopher Dierkes

About Christopher Dierkes

CHRISTOPHER DIERKES, M.Div., is a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. He holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from the Vancouver School of Theology. Chris has been writing and thinking about the relationship between In- tegral Philosophy and Christian theology since 2002, when he first encountered the writings of Ken Wilber. He has been studying the Christian mystical tradition both as a scholar and as a contemplative-practitioner since he was 18 years old.