Stuck in Development: Bringing Depth to the Postmodern Media Age

Jason LangeAesthetic, Art & Creativity, Cognitive, Conversations, Creative, Entertainment Leave a Comment

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Humanity is entering the Transformation Age, a new era of human civilization, with Integral Consciousness rising at its leading edge. Our members don’t use Integral Life as just another media subscription they use weekly or discard. Instead, most stay with us for years, using Integral Life to learn Integral Philosophy and build an integral mind slowly, methodically and when they need it. We’re here to help you shape the future that’s emerging no matter where your life takes you.

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Written and produced by Corey deVos

Filmmaker, life coach, and long-time Integral friend Jason Lange sits down with Corey deVos to talk about his new television series, Stuck in Development, now available on all major streaming platforms.

Stuck in Development is an indie comedy series about a guy that moves to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams of being a writer/director, but instead spends all of his time on personal growth and development. It’s full of truths and absurdities about what it takes to be an artist, entrepreneur, and growth-oriented person in our modern (and postmodern) age.

Watch as we discuss:

  • Jason’s experiences and inspirations behind the new series,
  • Strategies for dealing with creative blocks and feelings of “being stuck”,
  • Suspension of disbelief as a common form of ego-transcendence,
  • The critical role of film and television as an “empathy machine” in service of cultural transformation,
  • The economic and creative pressures of the entertainment industry,
  • Key perspectives to help punch through the culture of cynicism we are all surrounded with,
  • How integral artists often play with themes of both transformation and translation — and why both are necessary.

We hope you enjoy this fun and fascinating conversation at the intersection of art, creativity, and commerce.

But wait… there’s more!

As a supporting member of Integral Life, Jason wanted to offer you the first episode of Stuck in Development for free, which you can watch below. Please help support the ongoing emergence of the integral arts by purchasing the season for yourself! You can find it on Apple TV, Amazon, and Google Play.

Not a member? We encourage you to sign up for a membership today! In the meantime, you can watch the trailer for Stuck in Development here.


Become a supporting member to watch the full conversation

Humanity is entering the Transformation Age, a new era of human civilization, with Integral Consciousness rising at its leading edge. Our members don’t use Integral Life as just another media subscription they use weekly or discard. Instead, most stay with us for years, using Integral Life to learn Integral Philosophy and build an integral mind slowly, methodically and when they need it. We’re here to help you shape the future that’s emerging no matter where your life takes you.

Get Full Access For $1 (7 days)* Or explore all membership plans → * Trial price for the first 7 days, then $20/month. Cancel or switch plans in 2 minutes at any time.

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Jason Lange

About Jason Lange

Jason Lange is a filmmaker, founder of Evolutionary Men, a men’s embodiment coach, group facilitator, evolutionary guide, and the host of Evolutionary Men Podcast. Drawing from many disciplines and modalities, Jason applies an integral framework to all his work, making them more effective.

Corey deVos

About Corey deVos

Corey W. deVos is editor and producer of Integral Life. He has worked for Integral Institute/Integal Life since Spring of 2003, and has been a student of integral theory and practice since 1996. Corey is also a professional woodworker, and many of his artworks can be found in his VisionLogix art gallery.