This document was produced on the basis of a meeting that took place in March, 2001. There are some revisions reflecting activities and developments that have occurred since that meeting. Our intention is to suggest, in an introductory way, how the Integral approach could be applied to contemporary issues in criminology and criminal justice. We explore issues of the War on Drugs, the death penalty, and juvenile justice as illustrations.
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RANDY L. MARTIN, Ph.D., is a Co-Director of the Integral Criminology Center at Integral Institute. He has been a Professor in the Department of Criminology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for the past 18 years where he has been developing integral applications for all his courses. He received his M.A. and Ph.D. in social/personality psychology from the University of Nebraska. Randy has been working in higher education for 22 years, initially in the psychology department at a small liberal arts college and then into his current position at IUP. This interdisciplinary perspective has enhanced his interest in and commitment to the Integral model.
JOHN J. GIBBS, Ph.D., is Professor of Criminology at IUP. Jake teaches quantitative methods courses in the Criminology Ph.D. Program and research methods to undergraduate criminology majors.
DENNIS GIEVER, Ph.D., is a professor and chair of the Department of Criminology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). Dennis holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Criminology and a master’s degree in Criminal Justice with a graduate minor in Experimental Statistics from New Mexico State University. He is active in the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, The American Society of Criminology and ASIS International. He has published 19 research articles or book chapters in diverse areas such as juvenile transfers, jails, fear of crime, parental management and self-control, and police pursuits.
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