In this special episode of The Daily Evolver, Jeff talks to Cindy Wigglesworth about activism from an Integral perspective, addressing some of the big questions currently resonating throughout the integral community. When is it time to reflect, and when is it time to act?
In their talk, Cindy and Jeff explore her views of the current U.S. culture—the good, bad and the ugly. Particularly in this election year of 2012, we all have many choices in terms of where to give our money, time, and support, with the wide variety of worldviews that are now vying for the American people’s attention. Cindy looks at the larger view of the U.S. as a system, asking whether the current conservative (traditional) stance on issues that matter to her (like women’s rights) are a sign that we are regressing as a culture, or if this is all just part of the expected pattern of dissonance that occurs whenever a transition to the next level of cultural development begins to emerge.
Jeff and Cindy are both very interested in trying to come up with a brand new narrative that actually represents the very best of what we can be, rather than one that represents our greatest fears of what we might become.
As the Taoist teaching goes, “the master does nothing and leaves nothing undone.” Join us as we explore what this means as it relates to Integral Activism and our shared urge to make our world just a little more beautiful and more whole than we found it.

About Cindy Wigglesworth
Cindy Wigglesworth, MA is the author of SQ21: The Twenty-One Skills of Spiritual Intelligence (SelectBooks, Oct.2012) and is the creator of the SQ21™ Spiritual Intelligence self-assessment. Cindy founded her business, now called Deep Change, in 2000 after working at ExxonMobil for 20 years in Human Resources management. She teaches leadership development and focuses on the multiple intelligences required for success in our personal and professional lives. She trains executive and life coaches, therapists and spiritual directors to use her SQ21 tool in their practices.

About Jeff Salzman
Jeff Salzman worked with Ken Wilber for several years in building the Integral Institute. He is a co-founder of Boulder Integral, the first bricks-and-mortar venue dedicated to the development of integral consciousness. These days Jeff provides integrally-inspired commentary on politics and culture on Integral Life and The Daily Evolver.