Terry Patten talks to Ken Wilber about his new book, A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries, inviting us to align our “inner work” with our “outer work” and establish sacred activism as both a fundamental component of our ongoing Integral Life Practice, as well as the ultimate expression of that practice.
Conspiracy in the Age of Aperspectival Madness
Corey deVos and Terry PattenCorey deVos and Terry Patten attempt to navigate to the endless web of conspiracy theories with some degree of wisdom and discernment, and to bring a small dose of sanity to the dangerous epidemic of aperspectival madness that is flooding through our world.
An Ethos for Revolutionaries: Terry Patten on Activism at the Integral Stage
Terry Patten and Jeff SalzmanTerry is pioneering a robust and dynamic new form of activism that fuses the “inner work” of personal transformation and awakening with the “outer work” of service and commitment to social justice. In this episode Jeff and Terry explore how we can deploy it to bring about the profound transformation of self and world that our era requires.
The Emergence of a New Activism
Elizabeth DeboldAt this historical moment, as the stakes with climate change and the pressure to regress accelerate across the planet, consciousness work at a collective level may hold new potential for change. What would it mean to hold this realization, not as a deep personal truth, but as a call to action? This is the essence of a new activism.
Life, Death, Love, and Awakening
Adyashanti and Ken WilberA lively, intimate, and tremendously moving discussion that covers an astonishing amount of ground — ranging from Ken and Adya’s personal lives, to spiritual materialism and enlightened activism, to the outermost frontiers of knowledge, technology, and future potentials.
Meditation for Militants
Justin Miles and Jeff SalzmanJeff talks about integral activism with Justin Miles, founder of the Miles Center for Integral Living in Baltimore. Justin is a former member of the Black Panther party, Buddhist meditation teacher, and therapist. Jeff also looks at the role of cynicism in our political discourse, and takes a couple questions from listeners.
Integral Activism: Doing Nothing, Leaving Nothing Left Undone
Cindy Wigglesworth and Jeff SalzmanIn this special episode of The Daily Evolver, Jeff talks to Cindy Wigglesworth about activism from an Integral perspective, addressing some of the big questions currently resonating throughout the integral community. When is it time to reflect, and when is it time to act?